we've come to the portion of bloggy programming where i get tired of seeing random pictures with no cohesive thread collecting on my computer. they're all worthy, even if not of their own posts. here goes.

it's heeeeeeeere!
little did i know my winnings would include and extra battery, 4GB memory card and a bag! best. thing. ever. jesse has taken on the pimp camera as his new hobby. more power to him, i am chock full of hobbies right now and cannot fit that beast in my purse. of course the thought of being the subject of 12 megapixel photos in all my pasty preggo glory is a little scary. speaking of which...

25 weeks: rutabaga.
they wanted like $2 per lb for this monster and i was not about to pay that much. i don't have any great rutabaga-centric recipes in my cookbooks. so i took this little guy to the deserted greeting card aisle and snapped a little self portrait with him. i have never felt like more of a creep. at least i wasn't taking the picture with a massive SLR camera. i guess the old point and shoot it still good for stealth missions involving borrowed produce and maternal bellies.

practicing the integration of pink and bows into our household
we have been so fortunate to receive PAYLOADS of hand me downs from some of our little-girl-having friends and family. i am talking like 10 garbage bags full of things. i have started to sort through them all and my pink/ruffle tolerance is growing with every new item that i see, bonus points for the girlie stuff that judah models for us. we are so lucky to not have to bankroll an entire brand new little girl wardrobe from scratch.
one of the biggest contributors to layla's closet is my cousin melissa. she had her little girl, avery, 3.5 years ago in an extraordinarily dramatic 10-week early touch-and-go delivery. well, she is now at 37 weeks pregnant (exactly 10 weeks ahead of us) with their second child, a little boy. she has been on bed rest for about 10 weeks already now due to preeclampsia. she is an amazing mom and a stud for going through everything that she has had to bring her two little angel faces into the world!
since avery was so premature and melissa's recovery so complex, she wasn't able to breastfeed. so imagine my delight when she commented on the nursing cover i made myself saying that she needed one for this little guy! i gladly whipped her up one to use for her little man as a huge thank you for all the money and fashion quandaries that her generosity saved us.

i thought the stripes were too plain so i wanted to add some flair. so i added the little guy's intial (not sure if it's a secret about his name) and a lil' owl that i thought was really cute. jesse came in and goes, "oh, an owl, i get it. because it's a hooter hider?" i hadn't even considered that. yikes. at least i had made him a napping owl instead of eyes wide open like the super-subtle official hooters logo.
and my ever-willing model:
i'm new... promise to post around more oftentimes!