
shoulder Rx

yall remember this?

yeah, jesse's has horrible shoulders that dislocate about once a year. well the left one does. the right one is just mediocre enough to get by as "the good one." but only because of the degree of malfeasance of leftie.

we have known for a long time that surgery would probably be something we would need to do if we ever wanted to correct this problem for good (and to correct the first surgery he had to "fix" it back in highschool that somehow made it worse). but due to babies and money we never found the right time.

well fortunately, in the past 5 years, all 3 of the times that jesse has dislocated have happened while he was working for the church (flag football on our first thanksgiving together, a youth girl pulling it out of socket at a lock-in and most recently playing basketball with the youth boys). so to our surprise, when jesse was at his orthopedic follow up visit after his last ER trip, the office there informed him that workers comp had approved him to have surgery and to pay for the whole thing.

wow. so we decided to jump before we are encumbered with two babies that need 4 arms worth of love. TODAY jesse has his surgery. he won't be able to lift anything for 6 weeks and then won't be able to play sports for 6 months. it will suck, but hopefully he'll be rid of this 12 year long issue forever.

it should be challenging to see what judah is like with an evermore pregnant mom and a one-armed daddy that he is used to playing oh so rough with. we feel so lucky to be getting this surgery for free and having the ability to do so with enough time to recover before layla.

of course, i am nervous. it's an arthroscopic outpatient procedure, but blah be blah, anytime you go under anesthesia there are risks and i'm a nervous nebuchadnezzar anyway. so if you're the type, would you mind throwing up a prayer for jesse, his doctors, and his shoulder today? and also a praise that judah has such amazing grandparents who will be taking turns with the bug until saturday so that he isn't bopping around on daddy during the most intense part of the recovery.

see you on the other side.


  1. sending up prayers for your family this morning!

  2. Praying for you guys- good luck today Jesse!

  3. you bet! "have I not commanded you? be strong and courageous. do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the lord your god will be with you wherever you go" joshua 1:9 and this stuck out to me this morning... for verse 5, the nasb says "I will not fail you!" prayers and love to y'all!

  4. Definitely keeping Jesse and the whole gang in our prayers! Keep us updated.

  5. Keeping Jesse and the rest of your family in my prayers! Hope the surgery went well.
