
do fun stuff

i found this guy ryan's blog through my best friend marisa's recommendation. he was gaining a huge following because of an awesome photographic series he was doing of his stunning pregnant wife week by week. their daughter tessa was born a few weeks after judah so it was really cool to follow along with (even though his wife is totally teensy and gorgeous and super hipster-dressed...i was living vicariously in my yellow crocs and XL t-shirts through this series). he has since done a whole 'nother series with another pregnant friend. check them out, they are super creative and he has mad photography skills.

between the preggo pics, i was reading up on him and his family. turns out he has a violently precious 5 year old stepson who was dealing with some behavioral question marks that were kind of a mystery, and he kind of shared with us little bits as the figured out what exactly it was and how best to help LB (the littlest buddy as he as known). well, they diagnosed him with something known as SMS and ryan decided to use his blog and talents to help shed some light on this syndrome. he asked if any readers wanted to help. i said yes since i had been benefiting for quite some time from his pictures, writing, videos and music recommendations and decided i could do a blog post one day to help an awesome dad and all around cool guy.

so that's what i am doing right now. ryan got together a whole load of really cool musicians and made a benefit album that is for sale on itunes right now. you can listen to the music below to check it out. make sure you read this touching post he wrote especially for today and see what you think. we are for sure buying this album stat because we want to help, but even if we didn't, it's all really upbeat and fun music that judah loves but doesn't make us want to stick screwdrivers in our ear canals after repeated listenings.

let me know what you think and if you get the album (hint, hint)! hurray for using what you're good at to make the world a little sunnier place.


  1. Aww wow! What a great post and really overwhelming to read such nice things. I am so excited about this album and have no idea how it is selling today , but I do know that the outpouring of support has been huge. Thank you for this. So much.

  2. So awesome!!! I am so pumped for Ryan and everything he has been able to do this year. You parents need to stick together.
