i took my magic boobs on the road last weekend for family adventures in atlanta. until recently i would have only fed "directly" while in the car. even with my trusty beloved hooter hider i wasnt super excited about breastfeeding out amongst the general populace. what is a swift breeze kicked up and quite literally blew my cover? i just picture writhing masses of vomiting citizens at the sight of me feeding judah. despite being the way we have surviving as a human race, breastfeeding really freaks/grosses lots of people out. did you know that in georgia you are allowed to whip them out to feed a baby in ANY public place? no hider required. i thought that was pretty cool, even if i choose not to partake in the au naturel movement. i'll just stick with my cover thankyouverymuch.

lil' man and big man looking spiffy for date night
saturday night at 6:30 i abruptly said, let's go on a date to atlanta. so we went to figo for some deliciousness. i got the caramelized vidalia onion and marscapone ravioli and jesse got the sausage and apple ravioli in funghi (aka mushroom, but its SO fun to say funghi) sauce. figo is not only an AMAZING pasta place, but also a purveyor of kenny's famous pies. key lime pie is the only citrus dessert i will eat and it has to be GOOD. publix has a great version, but nothing beats kenny. they are based in smyrna but ship to restaurants all over who are smart enough to know they cant cook a match for what they can just import. we were thrilled to discover it at our hole-in-the-wall raw bar in cape san blas, florida on vacation this year. if we had known about kennys before 2006, i guarantee we would have had that as our groom's dessert at our wedding

judah showing funghi envy
then we headed over to atlantic station for a stroll and some late night browsing. well, judah was due to eat at about 9, so after ambling around in the lovely late summer night, we decided we'd rather keep enjoying the sights in the PARK itself than in the PARKing deck. so i got out old grey and we hopped on a bench that was back to back with another and i preceded to feed the little guy. well, about 5 minutes into the meal, a group of 4 smokers came and sat down RIGHT behind us. so, with judah still latched, we walked about 20 paces to another empty bench that was back to back with another couple. my head was literally back to back with a stranger's while breastfeeding judah.

note my new friend's head right behind mine.
the best part was at 9:15 when the park was closing and the guards started kicking everyone out of the grassy square and off the benches. they didnt say a word to us! they wouldnt even let anyone else try to walk through, much less sit, but they let us, or judah, rather, keep on chugging. at one point, this group of men trying to come though right in front of us were told that the park was closed and they would need to go around. the guy sees what we were doing and says jokingly, "hey, no fair, she gets to stay?" so i graciously yelled back "if you can do this, you can stay." *rimshot!* consider yourself zinged by my rapier wit!

fat and happy after his meal while browsing in H & M

hahaha, FAIL. we took the stroller on the escalator and got busted by a manager...so on the way down we took the elevator...

part 2 of the adventures came after church on sunday. we had AMAZING falcons tickets to the home & season opener that were given to us by one of our favorite church families whose company has season tickets. we didnt plan ahead very well and realized we would be taking judah along. so, dressed in his finest falcons colors of white and red (finding baby stuff in black and/or red is not so easy, especially if you arent a bulldawg) with a black striped nike hat to keep out the noise, the little bug was ready for his first major sporting event (the night before my water broke, he was technically at the braves game, though that doesnt count).

the game was really fun. judah was in the middle of nap time when we got there and was NOT happy with all the noise. the constant loudness didnt bother him, but the abrupt shouts from neighbors, announcements over the P.A. and bursts of cheering when an unexpected play happened were not welcomed by judah-bug. please note the various drool-catching implements we have enlisted into service since the oozing began (bjorn, burp cloth, bib, me)

I have seen more boobies with babies on them since being in Europe and I always wonder where is their cover. So dont worry girl whip it out and be all European. A little jealous of the Falcons tickets and you got to see my boy Tony G.