you may remember that part of our new magic life was going to include making things rather than buying them and being generally more creative. you also may remember that we got a badass sewing machine for free and i completed my first ever project with limited success.
well since then i have busted out ole sewie (which i still dont have the manual for and have mostly learned by trial and error...heavy on the error) 2 more times and these have been my results (in chronological order so you can see my improvement).

this is by far my favorite yet. i NAILED it. i got the panel of yellow just right on size and alignment and didnt have to sew any edges twice like i did before. it only took maybe 20-30 minutes. glad i saved the cool tech-colored pattern for this one!
beware if you are currently inseminated and invite me to a baby shower, you may be receiving one of these! i mean, judah doesnt have so much fluid that needs to be wiped up that necessitates us having 24 of these. he does however have this little cleanup gem:
sunday morning i was home from church to meet my parents so they could watch judah. well, i wanted to take a bath so i brilliantly thought of hanging judah's johnny jumper in the bathroom doorway so i could watch him, occupy him, and get clean all at the same time. he bounced away happily and adorably while i washed up and i emerged so proud of myself for my ingenious idea and at how sparkly clean and relaxed i was without even having to rush. well i went to grab a towel and i look down at his legs (previously obstructed by the side of the tub) and this is what i see (WARNING: GRAPHIC POOPIE CONTENT)

so i grabbed one of my beautiful blank burp cloths that had been destined to be a canvas for my future sewing exploits, the one in the picture to be exact; it had be there to catch all the drool that is raining down from judah's mouth these days and protect the delicate surface of the jumper. i figured poop was what the cloth diapers were intended for anyway. i was dying laughing at this point. i extracted the little turd from the seat (which had barely ANY poo on it) and took him to decontamination. i was shocked to see that the diaper had hardly any poop in it either. once again we were victims of the poop that just wants OUT. this poop managed to elude the absorbent pamper AND the jumper seat and make it all the way to my bathroom.
in case that picture grossed you out so much that you fell out of love with him or forgot how cute he is when he's clean. here's a reminder.

i placed him here, walked away, took the picture, and stood there and waited for the inevitable fall or potential face-smashing. it never happened. he looks so freakishly old when he does this!
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ReplyDeletepoor little guy and poor you, having to clean that up!! aren't you soooo glad he wasn't in the middle of your living room when he did this?
ReplyDeleteand i am TOTALLY impressed with your last burp cloth! way to go. you get the most improved player award. i've only sewn a few things in my lifetime, and i know my attempts at burp cloths would be vomit-inducing at best!
that's hilarious that it is showing that i trashed my first comment...all i did was change a typo!