this is our ersatz jacuzzi, the bathtub that i didn't even have time to clean, adorned with this month's shape magazine and a worn down ikea candle. these are the toasting glasses from our wedding day. they sit on our mantle gathering dust the rest of the year. rather than washing them, we just rinsed them in bath water before drinking out of them. SEXY
we popped the cork on some yummy champagne that my mom gave us and it landed next to a parenting magazine that sits near the toilet. HOT!
said bottle of champagne next to a bottle of dry scalp control conditioner. who says the magic is gone? bow chick wow wow.
and the piece-de-resistance, the foil cap of the champagne softly illuminated by our non toxic flea trap that only seems to catch ants that we didn't even know we had rather that the fleas that our evil cats introduced to our house. that 7 watt bug-catching bulb really cast a romantic glow on our faces that night.
honestly, we had the best time together this year of any other time on our anniversary. we hung out in our hillbilly hot tub and sat for a long time on our back porch enjoying the beautiful fall night, and each others' company while reliving memories of our last 5.5 years of dating, 3 years of marriage and 4 months of parenting together.
i am learning that the less i try to make our life resemble the perfect scenes from a movie and just let it be OURS, the more real and magical it becomes.
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