
waste not

why, yes, yes i did find this adorable onesie about 5 days after halloween and staged a picture like it was 10/30 or something. but do you think i'll remember that when i look back at this picture years from now? i have no shame postdating judah's outfits. in fact, my biggest fear is that somehow we will waste any outfit that we have bought, been given, or has been handed down to us. and these time-sensitive outfits of "my first thanksgiving/st. patrick's day/ramadan" make me super nervous. i go through the special basket of these every few weeks to make sure some holiday hasn't come and gone without a special onesie, bib or hat to mark the occasion. yet somehow i missed 2 halloween outfits.
appropriately spooky...in november
i buy clothes a year or more ahead in size when they go on clearance so we have tons stored in bins in the attic for future wearing. i am so nervous judah will be 4 and i'll stumble upon a gold mine of 77kids (american eagle kids clothing line...ADORE!) stuff in two year sizes that we completely forgot to ever dress him in. if this happens enough times, i will have another kid just to fill up all the clothes and not waste any. well, for that reason and all the love.

1 comment:

  1. I just remembered that we missed dressing him for Veteran's Day. We'll have to break out the camera and camo when we get home... riiiiiight.
