

judah felt a bit warm on sunday night so we stuck a thermometer up his butt and found out that he had a fever of 101.4. he didn't really have any other symptoms and was bee-bopping around like his sprightly normal self, if a bit on the well-done side. so we figured it was one of the fevers that can sometimes go along with teething. we aren't bad parents, we just aren't prone to freaking out about things like this and didn't even call the doctor [brag: aren't we SO laid back?]. kids over 6 months are good to go unless its over 103 or accompanied by other bad symptoms [annoying: unsolicited medical advice]. regardless, you aren't supposed to take your kids to preschool unless they have been fever-free sans medication for 24 hours. SO we figured i would go to work while jesse kept him and then i'd come home a bit early and jesse could go get his work done. except we remembered that letter we got in the mail a few weeks back. today jesse had to be a:
reading the book of law (not blindfolded, unlike true lady justice)
dun-dun-dun...plot twist! that's right. playing the role of the rural juror (say that aloud) at coweta's superior court and receiving $50 a day and a work excuse was my civic-minded albeit legally-bound hubby. so checkmate for me taking care of the bug all day. goody for me my work is amazing so i was able to go in at 6am before jesse left and snag my laptop to being home and work while judah napped. however i was not able to do a regularly scheduled blog post. ironically this is still turning into one. quid pro quo, madame justice system (that's a thing, right?)
luckily, jesse wasn't selected to be on a trial. i had advised him to dress like an idiot and talk like a zealot to avoid selection...sorry democracy, the bug had a fever, extreme measures were necessary. after sitting around for a few hours with the other prospective jurors, they let them all go when they found out there weren't any superior trials coming in today so jesse didn't get a chance to play his most radical, yet truthful and oath-bound version of himself. i have never had jury duty and i was intrigued by jesse's experience, even though he got just the smallest of tastes of what it would really be like. i can remember being 7 or 8 years old going to court with my dad while he was on a jury for a fatal car accident one time, but i mostly just colored like the tiniest of courtroom sketch artists. have any of y'all ever been on a jury?
***update: my dad just called to tell me that i made that right up. he was never on such a jury, but he was a witness in the accident (i was with him when it happened...coloring), but i wasn't even in court with him when he testified. congratulate me on my first work of pure fiction! at least it was based on a true story***


  1. KEIGHT!!! You are hilarious!!! I was reading your blog outloud to Nathan and when I got to the update part we both fell in the floor laughing uncontrollably!!! We LOVE and ADORE you and your precious family! Thanks for always updating... Reading your blog is on our list of favorite things to do :) alicia

  2. wowsers I'm way behind on my blog reading. I've had Jury duty once. It was when I was an intern and I was there for two days. It only paid $25 a day which is way more than I was making at my day job. bum out fulton county.
