

UPDATE (2:59 pm)- we have a winner! the mystery is solved here (dont click unless you want the answer).


did you ever get those weekly reader/current science magazine in elementary school? my school did and they were awesome. 

we all got our little 5th grade paws on a magazine and then got to read articles on cool scienc-y stuff and all that goodness. it was an awesome way to get us excited about topics that might not be in the curriculum but still would kindle the heart of every science-loving student. kind of like a popular science junior edition.

the favorite of EVERYONE, and the very first thing we'd all do as soon as our issue hit the desk was to turn to the back of the magazine where there was one of those puzzles where there is a picture of something really zoomed in on and you have to figure out what it is. (this is also a task in cranium which jesse and i are undefeated as a team in, btw).

i cant for the life of me remember the catchy little name they gave this gave, but i know cranium calls these a ZOOMA, so we'll run with that.

i have a keyfob from my etsy shop in the colors/fabric of your choice for the first person who can guess  (in the comment section, ya slacker/lurkers!) what this is that i took a picture of yesterday:


UPDATE (10:25 am):  okay i was nervous that it was too easy so i didnt give hints. but since no one has it yet, here are some hints:

-layla created this photo-op all by herself
-the object in its natural state doesnt look like this. she did/added something to it to give it this effect.


UPDATE (11:09 am): SOME people are complaining about the lighting. lucky for you i took the pic on a couple of times with different settings.here's one at a slower shutter speed for you squeaky wheels.


  1. A glass of something (coke?) with ice in it?

  2. Is it red cellophane type wrapping from some form of candy?

  3. The remains of a dying fire? (Sounds poetic even if it's wrong!)

  4. This is gonna drive me nuts. Maybe a Christmas ornament?

  5. crumbled up Hershey Kiss wrapper?

  6. did she wrap something in tin foil?? I seriously cannot make anything out in the picture. the lighting, layla!

  7. Ahhh...this one is hard! She cracked the screen of something...phone, iPad, computer, tv? I know that's not very specific. :/

  8. I'm gonna go with Jello...

  9. Yeah, I'm thinking jello too, that she smushed into pieces.

  10. A glass of red koolaid with ice cubes.

  11. looks like Jello laying on a book or perhaps an iphone or ipad - I can make out a cartoony face!

  12. I was going to say ice, but that one is gone. So I am going to say water with Glow Sticks in it?

  13. A RECEIPT!!! I swear I saw some prices in the top photo!!!

  14. Christmas colored Rolo wrapper unwrapped.

  15. i just tried to comment, but i don't see it showing up. sorry if it shows up twice.
    ring pop

  16. Ticket/drawing in Jello!

  17. I've been staring at these pictures for an hour. I feel like an idiot.

  18. Thor or Iron Man wrapping paper covered in red juice

  19. OK-I know you said you had a winner, but I just couldn't accept that since I didn't see anyone even close to my guess, so now I will have to convince you all (even the one who took the picture) of my right-ness. If you zoom in on the photo (as anyone who wants to get the right answer would certainly do) you will clearly see the Thor-Iron Man figure, with a 'blanked out' rectangle across his eyes to keep his identity secret (of course--since this is an off-duty assignment). Like I said, if you look hard enough, you'll find him!
