apparently it's a real thing and it's today, people! this is the official day when we are supposed to step out of the shadows of the blogs we read without ever commenting or following or having any presence in and make some noise.
so if you're here and i don't know you or have no idea that you've ever read one word of this blog i would love to meet/hear from you...seriously even if we share no common friends or if you found me by googling "shut up mega-bitch" or if you were my 7th grade nemesis (hi, JM!). i have made several great buddies through the lurking creepster--->outed follower transition (both mine and theirs). recently i was really excited to find out that several of my long lost friends actually stop by putapuredukes occasionally (looking at you susan, mariah, ashley and katy!) and have dropped me a comment or message and it pretty much made my day.

in my head we get hits here almost solely thanks to the interest and clicking of me & jesse, our moms (my mom has the lowest comment-to-page views ratio EVER at zero to thousands so she is the ultimate lurker...i see you in that dark alley, genia!) and, of course, lena. and i'm pretty sure people only became official followers to shut up my self-promotion (ha! nice try). but i promise it's not self-promotion (this time). i don't get anything out of more hits or comments or followers besides a little self-esteem plus the information, wisdom, hilarity, encouragement, helpful tips and new perspective that you leave on the things i am screeching about. i definitely don't do this just hear myself talk and clear out my mental gutters (where my mind is, often). i am interested to hear other ideas, opinions, fact, or random side stories about anything you have to say. for reals. i want this to be a conversation more than a stream of consciousness. that sounds super touchy-feely...sorry. i am not trying to get in your pants.
i certainly lurk on several blogs (on my favorites sidebar and other super secret ones) and i am going to go "come out" and comment or officially follow them in honor of the "holiday" and so that i am not a raging hypocrite (i'm nervous!). and while i'm in the spirit of coming out, i will say that i am officially, if begrudgingly, on twitter--which i am still very clueless and intimidated about--but i will add that link to the blog in case you are a tweeterer (?...twite? tweetledum? twatface?) yourself.
so there. picture me with a handful of juicy acorns trying to sweetly lure frightened baby squirrels from the shady boles of the oak trees. i am standing really still and not making loud noises. i smell like birdseed. it's safe to come out, guys. please don't bite my eyeballs.
if you are one of the peeps who is a regular commenter: change NOTHING! i cannot tell you how much it means to me, seriously, my heart goes a-flutter every time i see a new post by you and i read every one about ten times. so thank you marisa, nat, tiff, merran, amy, linda, tatum, aunt jo, kara, brei, alicia, kristy, betsy, hill, mae, joanna, mary beth, erica, abby, mariam, jennifer, alex and jesse. if i forgot you i'm sorry i am stupid and worthless and learning disabled and possibly cannibalistic.
*i have heard some folks say they have technical trouble commenting, and i think maybe i know what's going on. sometimes when i comment on other blogs i get a red error message when i first try to post, but then i just hit the post button again and it goes through...maybe that's what happening. we have now reached the outer limits of my technical savvy and georgia tech education*
I was a little turned off to comment on DeLurker Day - too ironic. But just for you, Keight...I read your blog a lot - possibly as much as this so-called Lena (terrible to pick on someone I don't know at all). Anyway, here's to lurkers...
ReplyDeleteOkay, I'm a friend Jessica (Reichart) told me about your blog, and I've been reading it since. Love it!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE your blog!
ReplyDeleteCan I get a "woot woot" for lurking? no? I guess I'll have to comment then. I do really enjoy reading your blog even though I don't have a baby, I'm not married, my faith has seen better days and I'm not terribly crafty. On the other hand, I do always read your blog wearing my trench coat and a sweet hat. I hope that doesn't make you uncomfortable...
ReplyDeleteI started reading your blog through Hill's "sidebar" blogs. I have to credit you with turning me on to my hero, stephanie nielson, sparking an interest in bringing my sewing machine out of retirement and becoming an unabashed blog lurker! ps. your hubby and my hubby look like brothers, or at least distant cousins...strange!
ReplyDeleteA day late, but hey, I have a newborn so cut me some slack. I wish I didn't enjoy your ramblings as much as I do...I would spend a lot less time on the computer and more time cleaning my house (or about a hundred other more productive things).
ReplyDeleteHey there...
ReplyDeleteI'm here from kingdom twindom. A few days late for delurker day, but thought I'd drop in and say hi!
I will not be compelled to comment just because of some silly national holiday...I have a dream that I'll be appreciated for my comments regardless of their timing, wordiness, or overall wit. And btw, I desire a shout out, because I consider myself "a long lost friend that made your heart go flutter" or some such thing. You are fantastic Keight.