so the bad news is that i evidently can't get up the motivation to blog weekly about my getting in shape progress. but the good news is that i very much can, and am, getting the motivation to exercise regularly. i finished week 5 of the C25k program last night.
when last i reported, i had finished week #1 which consisted of 60 seconds jogging alternating with 90 seconds walking for 20 minutes. it was really hard and not super enjoyable. last night i ran 20 minutes straight and loved almost every minute of it. holy wowzy. i am straight up hooked on the sweet sweet endorphins. it's the equivalent of 2/3 of $7 bottle of pink wine.
last time i also gave my stats and times and paces. i have thought about this a lot and i think i am going to stop with that. i decided that for right now i dont care how fast or how far i am running. i just care that i am running. if i get to a point where i can maintain consistent discipline with running and it stops being a physical challenge, then i can start trying to reach numerical goals. right now my only goals are: run and run hard enough to make it hurt a little bit.
i will keep telling you my weight loss stats though since that's neither here nor there as far as how i run (though it is VERY here, in terms of "up in here" on my person). i lost another 3 lbs. for a total of 7 since i started 5 weeks ago. shmeh. i watch the biggest loser and those numbers would get me booted off lickety split, but i am not quite at that level yet so i am trying to adjust expectation, so i am happy with my 7. plus i bet i would be at negative 10 if it werent for HSD2.0 and raechels culinary excellence (which i BEGGED her not to go light on for my sake when she sweetly offered).
up through last saturday i was on the running 3x per week plan. then i decided i needed a new swimsuit for summer, so on sunday night i took a rest day and went to target. approximately 13 minutes, 5 large-sized mom swimsuits (spanx makes swimwear, you guys), and a permanent hatred of lycra later, i was storming out empty-handed, shaking my head and deciding that my rest day was cancelled.
i am now running every night.
let me interject something here. the swimsuit debacle was great motivation that night. but mirror-revulsion will only get you so far. i calmed down, tried on a few of my more flattering maternity swimsuits (no shame in that game), and thought seriously about the daily running thing. two big factors in deciding that i should do this were: most importantly, i have never suffered from any kind of chronic athletic injury. years of playing volleyball and training daily never gave me tendon, joint or bone issues. i have been very lucky in this, and if running ended this streak then, doy, i would talk to my doctor and change my habits. dont you DARE go and do this and hurt yourself and try to sue me. talk to your doctor before engaging in sexual activity. if you experience an erection lasting longer than 4 hours, seek medical attention immediately.
the second reason is this: one of the most detested traits that i have in myself is a black or white, all or nothing mentality. if there is any wiggle room to be found in something that i don't really want to do, i will wiggle my way right out of doing it at all. this was starting up with the rest days. i would take more than i needed between runs and i was starting to fall behind. i would make bargain with myself concerning when and how long i would take off in between workouts. i am working on this character defect in myself overall and trying to do better with balance, but until then, with regard to exercise at least, i am going 100% rather than risk slipping back to 0%. i am just going to not allow myself any wiggle room (except for the wiggle from my jiggle which will be gone in a few months i hope). i cant juggle and find loopholes in my rest days if i don't have any. run every day. its that simple.
some notes from the past 4 weeks:
-my health & fitness junkie mom read the post recapping my first week and decided to make my mothers day gift some money to put towards a double jogging stroller so that we could get out as a family. we found a really awesomely reviewed one that also happened to be the cheapest one and were able to get it for free thanks to my mom's gift. we are LOVING it. the kids cant get enough of riding around in it and having jesse with me has really inspired me and made it so much more fun.

in long sleeves during the freakish may cold snap (my coworker called it "blackberry winter." love it!). the hand-holding was utterly spontaneous. too bad they dont seem to like each other or the stroller. ha!
-since jesse has some distance running experience, he was able to give me some pointers after our run together. i had been sprinting like a psycho on the jog intervals and completely destroying myself and then barely being able to move during my walking ones and subsequent running periods. jesse said i need to aim to keep a steady pace the entire time. now that i am doing longer, uninterrupted runs this is really coming into play. my run pace is slower but there is a lot less sprint/death-crawl variation going on and more overall briskness. also having jesse there makes me happier and more likely to try to impress him and make him proud so i run harder.
he wanted to run during one of my walk intervals so i chased him down to get a pic of the goodness. please imagine observing this scene from a passing car. i was sprinting after him with my phone held aloft. i'm the coolest.
-due to the glory of georgian summers, i am now running at about 9 pm to escape the heat and the evil sun's rays. this means safety first! so i wear my camping headlamp on the flashing light setting and run around town like a deranged short-circuiting coal-miner. again, this is preferable to feeling like a fatty-fat the other 23.5 hours of the day. i am looking into a flourescent, reflective safety vest too. what if i just wore the vest and my sports bra? or just put reflective tape on my mammarials? would that be so awesome? i'd always have my highbeams on.
-you know what a lot of bugs like when it gets dark? LIGHT! and now that i have this handy-dandy one strapped to my head i am meeting lots of new thoraxed friends. i got a nice bug in the mouth on sunday night and narrowly avoided the bastard child of a moth and a pterodactyl reigning fury on my brow last night. if that beast had touched me it might have been the end for me. i also got the joy of watching a frog spring across the street. i LOL'd.
-lady gaga, usher and the black eyed peas are sometimes the only thing that pull me through. its crazy how a song can pump you up so much on a physical level. last night i was thrilled because at the beginning of AC/DC's "thunderstruck" he says something about stuck in the middle of the train tracks right as i was jogging over our town's railroad tracks, and then during "boom boom pow" later on our town was shooting of fireworks for memorial day. thank you, world, for letting my running songs be your soundtrack for a moment.
what are yalls extra most favorite songs for getting your sweat on? i need more of these gems!
"Fatty Fat" killed me...
ReplyDeleteI am one of those too that wiggle my way out of things. Props for keeping it up. Looking great.
First of all, good for you! It sounds like you're doing great, and I am SO with you on the running endorphins. Although not on the running at 6:30am. : ) Anyway a few of my favorite songs are:
ReplyDelete"Shake It" by Metrostation
"Raise Your Glass" by Pink
"Shut Up and Drive" by Rihanna
And yes, pretty much anything by the Black Eyed Peas!
Anything GirlTalk.
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm running at 6am to beat the florida heat now. I'm looking into purchasing a reflective belt to wear across my body (shoulder to hip). I can't bear the idea of having an entire VEST on in this scorching heat.
Girl you need to get some occasional metal songs on there to take you back to the weight room when the football team was in there. Or a little Britney never hurt. You go girl!
ReplyDeletemidnight rider by the allman brothers. don't laugh. I just love this song. go girl. I've been getting my exercise on for the first time in YEARS again, too. we can do it!
ReplyDeleteMilkshake by Kelis. C25K helped me learn to love running.
ReplyDeleteumm, look great! good for you for all you are doing and for the w8 you've lost so far!
ReplyDeletei am in my 4th week of C25k, having done week 1 twice and am now on 2nd week of week 2. unlike you, i have injuries and such. i am worried that shin splints might be in my future. ok. enough of that. i discovered the MOST AWESOME running song the other day. i was constructing my FB status to say so the whole time i was running, but never got around to it. are you ready?? here it is: 'I THINK WE'RE ALONE NOW' by Tiffany!!!!!!!! yes, i am serious. try it. you'll love it and all the memories it brings back..............and btw, i think i might have to try the head lamp action. great idea!
We have to wear reflective belts... they can tighten or loosen. You can wear it around your waist or across your shoulder like a purse thing.
ReplyDeleteGot My Mind Set on You - George Harrison
omg i'm dying here. that post was hilarious. it's hess by the way-i'm picturing you on the treadmill at gt with you literally putting your head on your forearms draped over the hand rests. keep up the good work though! anything lady gaga makes me run faster. i call it run dancing.
ReplyDeleteoh, i also almost fell outta my chair when you were talking about the headlamp. i used to come in your room and you'd be wearing that thing reading harry potterish tales :)
ReplyDeleteDaily running devotion~ you are committed! I get really pumped up with anything by Muse. Also~ what brand is your stroller? I totally had the best jogging stroller picked out, but then they "updated" it and now the reviews online are horrible...
ReplyDeleteleah, we have the babytrend expedition jogging stroller. we have the single and the double now and have loved them both.
ReplyDeleteKeight, your awesome! I really need to be consistent with excercise is summer and build up more endurance. And possibly be able to run a block without feeling homicidal. Your getting me all inspired, we'll see if that translates in real life outside of me sprawled on a couch right now. And you can just keep telling me thAt I could be on SYTYCD so I won't quit dance and my ego will be boosted. I'm basically using you for pride steroids. Now I feel convicted. And now I'm rambling. Moving on - music!
ReplyDeleteI'm not usually a fan of Christian rap...normally bad things happen, but Lecrae is amazing. His new album Rehab is fabulous, and I work out with the whole album. Buy it!
Make me better - fabolous
Anyihing timbaland produced
Chris brown, Ciara, beyonce, you know th drill.
Congrats on your running! And I can't wait until I am caught up on SYTYCD and then we can make reference wall posts on Facebook and everyone will admire us for our dance knowledge. Or just think we're nerds. I'm fine either way.
Thought you might like to know that moths and other flying critters are only attracted to white light. If you can find a replacement bulb in yellow, or really anything other than white, maybe you won't have to burn off the extra calories after you eat bugs. :) That is, until you get so fast they cannot get out of your way! :P Keep up the great work - you are inspiring me to get off my post-pregnancy hiney, too. And, running at night to avoid the GA heat = GENIUS!