so unless you are one of those alternate-universe-dwelling creatures from "i didnt know i was pregnant," you have a good 8 months to plan for and prepare for this tiny incoming (or outgoing, as it were) human to fall (haha, you wish) into your lap.
i read and read and read. jesse and i took a 3 hour class weekly for 15 weeks leading up to judah's birth. i even went so far as to ask my mom advice!
despite being pretty intelligent people with decent expectation-management strategies and a lot of book-knowledge on babies, our first night home from the hospital had me SOBBING in bed between an utterly flummoxed and sleep-deprived jesse and the tiny wailing nugget that was judah.
judah at 3 days old. so cute...and yet so capable of destroying us.
i think this feeling of being utterly clueless is a rite of passage for new parents. no article, list or product can save or prepare you for when it's your baby, your life, your sanity, your perineum all seemingly falling apart around you.
a lot of our confusion could have been avoided because it stemmed from having TOO MANY options. "do we put him in the swing, the bouncer, the moses basket, the sling?!?!" having so much information at hand and, for most first time moms blessed/cursed with many baby showers and an empty registry, so many things can make you crazy.
it wasnt until we had figured judah out and were expecting layla that i started to realize that we as a species (humans, that is) have survived for thousands of years (whether that is 5 or 5,000 thousands is a whole 'nother post) without all of these options. i found a peace in the fact that almost all my baby needed to get from single cell to functioning human life form in 9 months was ME, and that the same was pretty much true for the months after birth too.
that being said, there are definitely a few shining all-stars that were the glorious backup dancers in the feature performance of "mommy is all i need." whether i was a mama as a cave woman or a victorian wet nurse, or an empowered hippie mama of 2013, these gems would be getting crazy use in my cave/castle/wigwam(?) if i could get my mitts on them.
the rash-fighting heroes over at Boudreax's Butt Paste have asked me to put together a few of my go-to "secrets" or tips for new moms...all of which we learned the haaaaaard way. this works out nicely as their tubes of baby-healing goodness were already a part of our starting lineup of must-haves.
the rash-fighting heroes over at Boudreax's Butt Paste have asked me to put together a few of my go-to "secrets" or tips for new moms...all of which we learned the haaaaaard way. this works out nicely as their tubes of baby-healing goodness were already a part of our starting lineup of must-haves.
one caveat: the thing you hear over and over again is "every baby is different." that's totally true. but yall, i have had TWO WHOLE BABIES and these things worked magic on both of them, so, um, i dont know what more we could want, statistically, before declaring these recommendations LAW.
0. MAMA. like i said, this comes first. your boobs, your body, your smell and your intuition. even though you left the hospital and it felt like "are they really just going to LET me take this baby? without a permission slip from my parents?!?!" you are equipped genetically and biologically to care for this baby and to know what's best for it in almost every situation. dont doubt yourself.
1. SWADDLE. your husband is going to feel all awesome when he becomes the champion of origami-ing your newborn into a tight little glow worm of love just as well as the nurses as the hospital did. but youre both going to feel like crazy people when the little thing, despite being grown in anti-gravity fluid and having no muscles to speak of, hulks right out of that blanket like it was wet toilet paper.
skip the receiving blankets, pass on the velcro closure ones and just get the miracle blanket. it looks like a straight-jacket but it's secretly your best friend. because those little arms that you thought were so adorable on the ultrasound are actually out to destroy you. when the baby startles during sleep the arms that are so used to being tightly enclosed in a uterus with flail about, scaring and waking the poor tot up.
we used our first miracle blanket for months with judah and then again with layla until it literally started falling apart. we bought a new one and i made layla one from scratch so that we would never be without one. if we didnt have the swaddler, we didnt have a sleeping baby. simple as that. we held clinics one teddy bears to educate the grandparents and babysitters on how it was done.
lay-lay leaving the nocturnal to the owls.
2. WHITE NOISE same idea. it was really ambient-ly noisy in the womb. blood rushing, heart beating, constant muffled noise from outside. pure silence is not a friend of a sleeping babe (or anyone, really). we are white noise machine addicts. we have owned probably 6 different models of machines and by far the best one is this one by homedics. i dont think they are even sold new anymore, but we got our first one as a hand me down and then snagged up one for layla's room on ebay.
think about how easy it is to fall asleep on an airplane or a train. thats white noise. during dead silence any little noise disrupts your brain. but when there is constant LOUD ambient noise like and engine or an ocean, the little creaks of a house, a car passing, dog barking or adults taking in the living room dont disrupt sleep because the brain isnt startled by them since it is constantly "hearing" the white noise.
we had travel versions of these machines when the kids were in infant carseats that just velcro'd right on.
we use these every night still in both kids' rooms. if we forget to turn them on, the kids are up as soon as jesse and i open a door or speak above a whisper. i will not be held prisoner in my own home. i have earned the right to scream about "project runway" or to have 1.5 glasses of wine and run into the wall while dancing up on jesse without my kids waking up. this is america, dammit.
3. BUTT PASTE. diaper rash. it just plain happens. and it is awful. you've never felt your ovaries clench up in anguish until you've opened a diaper and seen a little nut-pouch or tiny-vaginie bright red and irritated. the horror of the diaper rash monster, "Rashadon" with its electric red laser is perfectly illustrated by Boudreaux's in its attack on Butt City.
thanks to the aforementioned baby showers, we had every possible diaper rash cream conceived by modern science.
in the end (see what i did there?) our favorite has been the boudreaux's. it doesnt have that screaming-loud diaper rash cream odor (which is nice and baby-ish at first but then just smells like PAIN), it goes on so much smoother, softer and in a lighter coat than the old school stuff, and seems to immediately soothe the fire down below for the babies. i also love that it isnt bright white (it's skin tone) and cleans off super easily
when we started getting the kids to sleep through the night (no longer waking up every few hours to eat and change diapers, i would anticipate the burn from the pee being against their skin for so long and swipe on some Boudreaux's in anticipation of impending flames. i love that it prevents and protects against the rash even starting.
when we started getting the kids to sleep through the night (no longer waking up every few hours to eat and change diapers, i would anticipate the burn from the pee being against their skin for so long and swipe on some Boudreaux's in anticipation of impending flames. i love that it prevents and protects against the rash even starting.
the hippie in my loves the all natural version of the butt paste for little flare ups (like the time layla discovered lemonade and peed citric acid for 2 days and had just a little scorch) and then we use the regular or extra strength stuff that has the zinc oxide in it for the really bad cases (like when they are pooping lava during a stomach bug).
with layla hilariously adamant against potty training (she literally will poop one raisin-worth in the potty, bring the potty to us, demand her treat and then proceed to drop the remaining 90% of the deuce in her diaper after assuring us "i duhN!"...little mercenary) we are still well-stocked with the Boudreaux's at our house. we even still use is on judah when he "forget" to tell us he has pooped and doesnt get wiped. a few hours later he will be sporting some wicked skid marks and when he calls "baby rash," and then he gets a dose of the good stuff where it counts.
BlogHer is giving one of you a $100 VISA GIFTCARD.
Leave a comment with your best diaper rash tips, and read the rest of the rules here:
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This sweepstakes runs from 3/18/13 - 4/15/13
Be sure to visit the Boudreaux's Butt Paste brand page on where you can read other bloggers’ reviews and find more chances to win!
with layla hilariously adamant against potty training (she literally will poop one raisin-worth in the potty, bring the potty to us, demand her treat and then proceed to drop the remaining 90% of the deuce in her diaper after assuring us "i duhN!"...little mercenary) we are still well-stocked with the Boudreaux's at our house. we even still use is on judah when he "forget" to tell us he has pooped and doesnt get wiped. a few hours later he will be sporting some wicked skid marks and when he calls "baby rash," and then he gets a dose of the good stuff where it counts.
I'm experiencing my first pregnancy now (TWINS!), but I remember my mom suggesting leaving a baby's diaper off to let their tushy air-dry when possible. Not sure that is the most practical advice, but it's gotta help.
ReplyDeleteDo you still make the miracle swaddler at your etsty shop?
ReplyDeleteAir it out! Naked booty time!
ReplyDeleteWe use coconut oil for diaper rash. All natural and safe for cloth diapers! And air drying really does help, it was the only thing that kicked our last rash. :)
ReplyDeleteHow do all of the grands feel about the sound machines? We are also addicts, and all of the grandparents detest the sound machine and constantly ask when we are going to trash it. They really disliked the swaddle too, so clearly they just wanted us to suffer as much as they did before these things were popular. You forgot something though: teething necklaces and nerdy audiobooks. I would not have survived all the early late night nursing without Rowling and Martin!
ReplyDeleteOh, I guess I didn't enter because I didn't leave a tip! Sibby had awful diaper rashes on cloth diapers. We tried everything and all different ways to wash them. When we switched to disposables, it was gone with 12 hours! Doesn't make sense, right?! With minor rashes we used cornstarch and aquaphor. Best advice is to get that baby potty trained :)
DeleteSince you are looking for baby advice, is it time for number 3?! Don't you detest it when people ask you that?
Let your baby's diaper area air dry when possible, and use barrier creams.
ReplyDeletemami2jcn at gmail dot com
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
I used to change my baby's diapers often to prevent skin irritation. I also used baby wipes for sensitive skin
No advice since I've never had kids...but it still counts right? haha.
ReplyDeleteOur pediatrician recommended diaper cream mixed with Mylanta (liquid). It sounds crazy, but Mylanta is an antacid, and diaper rash is basically burning the skin, so it kind of makes sense. His instructions were to mix them together in a "slurry" in the palm of your hand and then use that as the diaper cream. Now, from experience, the 2 did not exactly mix together into a "slurry" as I imagined it working, but it still did take care of the diaper rash pretty well.
ReplyDeleteI am expecting #5, and only with #4 did I start using Boudreaux's Butt Paste. It's good stuff! So for my diaper rash tips:
ReplyDelete1- avoid cheapy diapers if you can. we switched to a cheaper brand and loved it until our baby started getting rashes, bad ones, often. our pediatrician asked what diapers we used and she said had treated several babies lately with diaper rash and attributed the rash to chemicals or products used making those diapers.
2- let the skin breathe naked for a while. fresh air works wonders, especially without the irritation of something rubbing against irritated skin.
3- lather on cream thick to act as a barrier
4- if breast feeding, pay attention to your diet and take note if certain foods might be causing the irritation. Kind of like the spit-up connection.
I like to use Boudreauxs as a preventative. Especially at night since my littles sleep straight through a 9 hour stretch (yay!!). But if they do get rash anyways, we air them out. Nakie babies!
ReplyDeleteNo children, so I have zero advice to give. But my sister is a new mom (1 month old), so I will pass along this gem of info.
ReplyDeleteAnd Keight, not sure why, but this post tickled my funny bone. I totally have the giggles at work. This is America, dammit.
warm bath and some time without a diaper
ReplyDeleteI know my sister always said to let them air dry especially outside in the yard on a nice day.
ReplyDeletejessicarwarfield at gmail dot com
I tweeted too!
jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com
Butt paste worked great for us too! Also corn starch (Johnson and Johnson) was wonderful .
ReplyDeleteI don't have a baby, but my mom said I was diaper rash free - she used baby powder, cloth diapers and did frequent changing. also she let me "air out" for a while before putting on a new diaper.
Our best defense against a rash was the preemptive strike (paste before bedtime) like you mentioned and frequent bathing.
ReplyDeleteWe hardly ever have to use any sort of butt paste with Thomas. I think it's because we use cloth diapers but he may just be amazing; we'll have to see how it goes with Betsy. Speaking of Betsy (based on your previous post about the miracle blanket that I remembered reading ages ago), when I was pregnant with her I bought a miracle blanket and had my mom create a pattern and make 2 more for me in flannel so she'd be nice and warm. We've used them since she was 4 days old (she screamed like heck the first time we were putting her in it) and she sleeps like a champ! Love it and would TOTALLY recommend and give it to all of my friends.
ReplyDeleteMy advice is to change diapers often and let your child run around without a diaper every now and them.
ReplyDeletes2s2 at comcast dot net
ReplyDeletes2s2 at comcast dot net
When we had babies, we would use coconut oil! Works wonders!
ReplyDeleteIn addition to change diapers more often, we used chamomile cream to help.
ReplyDeletetcarolinep at gmail dot com
ReplyDeleteI would let my son go without a diaper for a while when he had diaper rash.
ReplyDeletereklaw422 at hotmail dot com
I would use seventh generation diapers, change frequently and use a cream
ReplyDeletetvollowitz at aol dot com
Dry thoroughly... leave the diaper off a bit and let it get some air.
ReplyDeletechange diapers often
Dry booty, dry booty! I've been please with a little aloe on the butt with my older guys for a little too-much-time-in-the-urine-soaked-diaper/pullup irritation.
ReplyDeletetwitted this today, 27/03
change diaper often and GLOP the cream on so it doesn't get rawer and starts to heal
air drying is my best tip!
ReplyDeletemayhem.mama @
My best advice for avoiding diaper rash is to not have kids ;) but seriously I am saving all these tips for when I need them!
ReplyDeleteI use baby powder and check diapers often.
ReplyDeleteBeing sure to change diapers often, keep the skin clean, and using a skin protectant, works well.
ReplyDeletejslbrown_03 at yahoo dot com
2nd entry tweet -
ReplyDeletejslbrown_03 at yahoo dot com
My best tip is to change the diaper often and not let the baby sit in a wet diaper. If a rash appears, use diaper ointment immediately.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much.
ReplyDeleteThanks again.
My best diaper rash tip is to use a good diaper rash cream that works for your baby and change diapers frequently.
I really like Plender's Diaper Ointment. It's been the best for us. I also use it if my babies have chapped skin during the winter (works on either set of cheeks).
ReplyDeleteUse diaper cream.
ReplyDeleteThe Myers family has been super happy with Mama's secret coconut balm recipe that involves coconut oil infused with chickweed + plaintain (and some other things). Fancy, fun to make, and most importantly - it WORKS!!
ReplyDeleteMy biggest tip is if your baby has a reoccurring rash, to make sure it isn't yeast. Then treat the yeast first with an anti fungal, then put diaper rash ointment on top of that. (
ReplyDeleteIt's been a long time, but my son did better with disposable diapers than cloth. Maybe cloth diapers have improved since I used them, but they gave him diaper rash when I used them.
My SIL got us this amazing diaper cream called Plender's Diaper Ointment, which is made at this random little drugstore in this random little Iowa town. And it is the bomb-diggity. Seriously amazing stuff. Clears my boys up in hours. And that is my secret. Use the small town stuff. Because, seriously, amazing things come from small towns (but I might be a bit biased on that.)
ReplyDeleteMy grandkids were always allergic to cheap diapers. They always did fine with huggies and pampers. All diapers are not teh same, keep checking and you will find the right one for your babies butts
ReplyDeleteUse a little baby powder to help dry those butts good before rediapering!
ReplyDeleteI first notice diaper rash I use Boudreaux's Butt Paste and let air dry. I want to thank you for this awesome sweep and hope to win :) Thanks !!!!
ReplyDeleteI had to switch to cloth diapers
ReplyDeleteMy diaper rash tip is to use unscented wipes! Your baby might be sensitive to the fragrances in scented ones.
ReplyDeleterawrms at gmail dot com
keep your baby clean and dry to avoid diaper rash
ReplyDeletestigay at
My husband and I always used good old fashioned baby powder on our son's bottom. It definitely worked well as a moisture barrier and prevented many a diaper rash. The creams that we used, and we tried many, seemed to only make the problem worse. The baby powder worked like a charm and he smelled oh so sweet after a freshly powdered diaper. Just like a baby should!
bathe your baby every other day!
ReplyDeleteI have to keep my son away from too much fruit because he gets diaper rash but when it does happen a bath seems to help
ReplyDeleteI always used cornstarch on my girls..
lots of nakey butt time,dry the area very well & desitin worked for us
Whenever my son would get diaper rash we would make him a colloidal oatmeal bath and it really helped. As he got to toddler stage we would still do this and just let him go without a diaper whenever possible. This seemed to work better than any creams, pastes, etc. that we tried.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteTweeted. Tweet url:
ReplyDeleteUse cloth diapers and let his sensitive skin breathe. Also know that lots of babies get diaper rash no matter that you are doing everything right so don't take it to heart. by the way he is adorable, congratulations!
ReplyDeleteI use Triple Paste. It works better than anything else I've tried.
ReplyDeleteA WARM BATH WITH CORNSTARCH DOES THE TRICK! kytah00 @ yahoo . com
ReplyDeleteair time, cloth diapers, a tjom coat of food grade oil
ReplyDeletetubbytelly at gmail dot com
ReplyDeleteUse vaseline on the butt, a very thin layer. Leave on while sleeping and so much better when they wake up.
ReplyDeleteMy best tip is to change your baby as soon as possible after a soiled diaper.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 @ gmail dot com
ReplyDeletewildorchid985 @ gmail dot com
our little guy is 4 months, and no diaper rash yet, so we haven't had to do anything :)
ReplyDeletemjf926 at gmail dot com
I don't know. i have no kids
ReplyDeleteI'm a HUGE fan of Butt Paste, along with some fresh air.
ReplyDeleteMy Grandma always told me to let the babies "air out" for at least 15 minutes after a diaper change at least once a day. She said a bare bottom getting air on it was the best prevention there was. I don't know if it was because I followed her advice (she had 17 kids, so I tended to trust what she said,lol) but my daughter never had a diaper rash, ever
ReplyDeleteI tweeted
ReplyDeleteWe just change diapers more often during rashes, keep'n em dry is the key to healing!
ReplyDeleteshannoncarman at yahoo dot com
ReplyDeleteshannoncarman at yahoo dot com
i always used A&D ointment.
ReplyDeleteWe have never tried this paste but it sounds like it really works. We have always tried to keep the area dry and if there is a problem we would let them run around without a diaper as much as possible to get air on it.
ReplyDeleteMy son is 2 & has still never had a rash. All we did was not delay changing his diaper when it needed to be changed & always used cornstarch baby powder with every diaper change. When he looked pinker than usual we would always use Desitin plus powder to prevent a rash.
ReplyDeleteair them out
ReplyDeleteMy diaper rash tip is to keep the area nice and dry. I let my babies have their "air dry" time as much as possible when they are home. :)
ReplyDeleteamy [at] utry [dot] it
amy [at] utry [dot] it
My best advice is to use a zinc oxide ointment followed by cornstarch powder EVERY diaper change, even if your child isn't showing symptoms of rash.
ReplyDeletecoconut oil or for heavy duty (no pun intended) california baby has worked really well for sull!
ReplyDeleteWe change our sons frequently, use a barrier cream and occasionally give them oatmeal baths
Second entry
I let them run around outside in their birthday suits! Sun and air is the best medicine.
ReplyDeletewendishifflette at yahoo dot com
wendishifflette at yahoo dot com
Liquid husband swears by it.
ReplyDeletemy best advice is to ask the Dr about what is best jen gersch
ReplyDeletetweeted video jen gersch
ReplyDeleteI would start changing more often and used Desitin.
ReplyDeleteChange diapers frequently to keep area clean and dry.
ReplyDeleteMCantu1019 at aol dot com
My advice is to change diapers often.
Lots of diaper changes and airing out as much as possible!
change them often and use a diaper rash ointment
ReplyDeletedebbiebellows (at) gmail (dot) com
i tweeted here:
debbiebellows (at) gmail (dot) com
I wish Boudreaux's had existed when my daughter was in diapers... but it didn't... or if it
ReplyDeletedid, I didn't know about it. :-( We had a few (not a lot, thankfully!) rounds with severe diaper
rash and the product my aunt suggested trying worked wonders for us... it was Ammen's
Powder. I also kept her as dry as possible with more diaper changes than usual.
Katharina angelsandmusic[at]gmail[dot]com
I like Vaseline for a diaper rash, and lots of diaper changes!
ReplyDeletemadelinebrubaker {at} gmail (dot) com
My son had chronic diaper rash which disappeared when I started using cloth diapers.Also changing a baby often helps prevent rash.
ReplyDeletesmchester at gmail dot com
Tweet link:
ReplyDeleteLots of air dry time, diaper fanning and butt paste. We love the stuff!
taking a break from diapers and airing out occasionally
ReplyDeletePreparation H works every time!!
ReplyDeleteI always used Vaseline when my boys were babies. We used Boudreax's with my grandsons and it worked great.
awesome name!
ReplyDeleteBest tip is to keep them dry, we also used lots of baby powder. Didn't have much of a rash problem. sweepmorey at gmail dot com
ReplyDeletetweeted sweepmorey at gmail dot com
ReplyDeleteGive your little one time without a diaper. Staying in a diaper all day is a sure way to end up with a rash. onefrugalgirl AT gmail DOT com
ReplyDeleteTweet: onefrugalgirl AT gmail DOT com
ReplyDeletethe most important thing is to PREVENT the rash from happening in the first place by keeping baby's butt nice and dry! air drying after a cleansing is key!
14earth at gmail dot com
I tweeted here:
14earth at gmail dot com
My best diaper rash tip is Boudreaux butt paste
ReplyDeletehoneypie411 at yahoo dot com
honeypie411 at yahoo dot com
ReplyDeleteGrandma always swore by cornstarch. Frequent checking is certainly a good move.
ReplyDeleteky2here at msn dot com
ReplyDeleteky2here at msn dot com
Keep baby's bottom dry as much as possible. Change diapers frequently and give their bottoms some fresh air. Olive oil is good too.
ReplyDeleteIf they get any sort of rash bathe them and let them be bare bottomed as much as possible.
ReplyDeleteWe would change diapers frequently and use diaper rash cream
Powder and air, keeping things dry helps.
ReplyDeletekrazekatlady at gmail dot com
ReplyDeletekrazekatlady at gmail dot com
change frequently, air dry and diaper cream - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com
ReplyDeleteAiring it out. Disposable diapers sometimes keep the area too tightly enclosed.
ReplyDeleteI used to just let the kids be without a diaper for a little bit to air out their bottoms.
ReplyDeletebrat52101 at yahoo dot com
I've seen that air drying is a great way to reduce rash.
ReplyDeleteBrittney House
I haven't raised a kid yet, but I would think the best thing to do is to air it out.
ReplyDeleteA gentle temp bath with a good air dry.
ReplyDeleteTry to keep dry and air out.
ReplyDeleteFrequent diaper changes and letting them air dry at every change helped. We used cloth diapers too and that seemed to reduce rashes.
ReplyDeletewillitara [at] gmail [dot] com
Tweet -
ReplyDeletewillitara [at] gmail [dot] com
I agree, the best way is to air that baby out!
do your best to keep the bottom dry and avoid the rash altogether!
ReplyDeletesusansmoaks at gmail dot com
I think the best advice is to change frequently, and use diaper rash cream as soon as you notice a rash developing. (I stocked up on it so I always had it on hand both at home and in the diaper bag)
ReplyDeleteMy mom taught me to make a paste out of oatmeal and honey. I mix it equally and apply for about 5 minutes. I then gently take it off with a warm facecloth and make sure to air dry. It works every time!
ReplyDeleteLaurie Emerson
lauraemerson17 at yahoo dot com
I've never had kids or even done baby sitting. I've just heard that naked is good for airing out.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the contest.
slehan at juno dot com
ReplyDeleteslehan at juno dot com
We always used Butt Paste on each of our children! (CoreyOlomon at gmail dot com)
ReplyDeleteI tweeted at: (CoreyOlomon at gmail dot com)
ReplyDeleteLeave them diaperless for as long as possible and use diaper rash cream at the first sign of redness. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteDefinitely air them out!!! Bestest idea ever!
ReplyDeleteDesitin has always worked for me. Having twins , I definitely stocked up on it and it always saved the day!
ReplyDeleteMy best tip is stock up on diaper cream (or stock in the company!) and apply liberally
ReplyDeletemermont84 at
ReplyDeleteMy cousin uses good old fashioned corn starch. She says it works like a charm.
ReplyDeleteChange the diapers often and use gentle, natural products.
My tip is to allow the skin to dry completely before putting on a new diaper.
ReplyDeleteMy tweet
Standard diaper cream worked well for the minimal rashes my got before 2 or two. When he started the molar teething, he would get the worst red areas on his bum. We heard about using Udder Cream and that knocked it right out. :)
ReplyDeleteLet the area air out, and use A&D ointment on the rash itself before putting the diaper back on.
ReplyDeleteFrequent diaper changes and no diaper if there is a rash!
ReplyDeletejofo120 at yahoo dot com
Diaper rash tip: Put the diaper cream on at night before bed!
ReplyDeletelots of diaper changes airing it out ty.vivian
We use Desitin Creamy.
ReplyDeleteAlways let my baby run free to air out! also, apply milk of magnesia for relief! :)
ReplyDeleteA warm bath with no soap, air dry the bottom and butt paste (we lived by this stuff with our daughter when she was in diapers)
I use corn starch to help keep our baby dry
Baby powder the tush!
ReplyDeleteI've heard coconut oil is a great help!
ReplyDeletewhen my daughter got a rash, I bathed her and let her run in her birthday suit lol.
ReplyDeletewinz135 at
winz135 at
Best for my little one: no diaper time. Letting the air (and maybe the sun, if you have a fence) heal the booty is best.
ReplyDeleteTweet -
ReplyDeleteA&D ointment always works for me.
ReplyDeleteI've luckily never had to deal with it! I've always just kept my son's butt very clean and changed him frequently! 7 months old and not one inch of diaper rash :)
ReplyDelete-Ashley Marie Morrissey
ReplyDelete-Ashley Marie Morrissey
vaseline will help in a pinch
ReplyDeleteI am just expecting my first now so I don't have any personal experience but I have heard that you should change diapers often, use a cream if baby is susceptible to rashes and babies should spend some time without a diaper!
abuninoven at hotmail dot com
A&D ointment
ReplyDeleteButt Paste is great!!! Works wonders
haven’t tried it yet
ReplyDeleteI used Boudreaux Butt Paste on by children when they were in diapers and was happy with the results. My children rarely got diaper rash. My tip is to let your child run around without diapers once and a while.
ReplyDeletes2s2 at Comcast dot net