thats not where it goes. (4 weeks 3 days)
4 weeks 5 days...from the night we told my parents they were soon to be GRAND. my dad claims he "knew it." i am pretty sure they both totally thought it was just a birthday dinner for me and nothing more. we gave them the books "41 uses for Grandpa" and "42 uses for Grandma." If there was any doubt that grandmas are more useful than grandpas...there's the proof apparently. we will probably just let judah call them whatever he wants or whatever comes out, but we like the names "mom-o" for my mom and either "big daddy" (kind of funny considering my dad is crazy thin and fit now) or "bumpa" for my dad. we'll see if judah complies.
EXTRA CREDIT: jesse has his own special blog now. he and two of his best buddies decided to commit to an hour a day of sharpening some of their favorite skills/pastimes, and jesse decided his would be songwriting. i was skeptical at first since he had never seriously expressed an interest in writing songs before, but he wanted to try his hand at actually writing some of his own in addition to singing all the other ones out there. well, he's made a believer and #1 fan out of me! i am truly proud of him. he has written a handful of songs so far and they have all been really good...and i am not just being a delusionally supportive wife here. i tell him where i think the crappy parts are too...but there really havent been many.
anyway, he is posting the songs and writing a little about the meaning of each song/lyrics and how he came up with each one on this blog. he also plans to put random thoughts and ideas he has on life and jesus and minsitry on there, so in case youre interested in any of that, you can check it out HERE
love the pics of your parents