santa here, guest blogging on christmas eve. i am hard at work at the dukes family branch of my workshop. 2 major items on my docket tonight are:
1. deciding the ratio of cookies to eat as dough versus baked. (i went with a half and half breakdown in the end...hell, i'm santa, raw eggs are powerless against me. back off)
2. tricking out a yard-sale acquired power wheel for judah. this consists of a healthy few hours of "de-barbie-ing" this:

it's the gift that keeps on giving: he'll always have a great icebreaker on dates, "yeah, my first big christmas gift was a barbie jammin' jeep"
i'm a little peeved that i got this very-used "bargain" jeep for $15 at a yard sale plus the battery for $56 on ebay and then saw a brand new toy story version at wal-mart tonight for $119 (no arts and crafting required). but luckily i'm santa so i don't have a toddler and newborn to wake me up in the morning, and i can therefore spend worry-free hours putting love and work into customizing judah's jeep and sleep it off tomorrow.
i'll show you my handiwork in an AFTER picture of the jeep later on. merry christmas!
love, santa
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