hmmm, "we are excited" just doesnt really cover the emotions of the visit to the doctor that we just had. to start with, jesse would NOT stop taking pictures from the car to the ultrasound table. i had to threaten to suspend him when he took a picture of the check-in desk. when we got settled in the room and got started, the technician pretty much found the important parts immediately. we were so surprised because we were nervous that they might not be able to tell the gender AT ALL today (because 16 weeks is the earliest to tell and i am exactly 16), so when she said after like 30 seconds, "do you want to know what youre having?" we freaked. when she said "boy" we both started crying and laughing hysterically.
we also saw the stomach, the bladder, both arms and legs, and some other random anatomy. and we found out that he weighs 6 ounces right now. so tiny! we will get the full health inspection on january 9th at our "serious" ultrasound. this one was just for funsies and gender-spotting. they gave us a a boy-themed prize pack including a little blue onesie with a bunch of baseballs, basketballs, soccer balls and footballs on it. talk about making it feel real. that onsie is TINY! and BLUE!
here is a little proof of what we're working with (picture him sitting on a glass table and taking the picture upwards. the bright white "stuff" between the little thighs is where the action is):
we also got a few more random shots. the 3D ones are kinda sucky because after he flashed us, he decided to squnch up into a little ball. it was adorable, so we didnt even care that we couldnt see more details. here is the best 3D one we got, just good details of the little arms and legs. the head was all blurry and tucked into his chin and partially obscured by the placenta.
and then we wanted this one too of his little leg. i dont think the label was necessary, even to the untrained eye, but there you have it.