so here's an announcement: judah has godparents. but not the traditional type like "if we die you take our child and raise him" godparents. i stole this idea from favorite friend and mentor (frientor) angie stryker, and the deal is we gave judah people who commit to be in his life, encourage him, love him and pray faithfully for him. so who are these lovely people? well, in the tradition of grandparents we gave judah 2 sets: danielle and lukas fortunato and lena and elliot hunt! yay! as if you couldn't have guessed that.
we never even intended to do godparents, even this informal version, but since we have been around these people and seen them interact with, seek out, and adore our son, we have been just floored by how much they truly love him and are interested in him, independent of the fact that he is the baby of a pair of their best friends. seriously, the ridiculous love they showed judah from day one is what came first and made me even remember the whole idea of godparents. they pretty much loved their way straight into these positions. this is also a wonderful way of tricking them into having to be friends with us for life. even if we turn lame, they still have to come around because they committed to judah. checkmate, suckaz.
we have many amazing friends who have their own kids and love judah like he is theirs, but we thought it would be cool to make these newlyweds who don't have any kids of their own yet the godparents. this way they can practice loving a kid and still not be too responsible for him, plus with no kids of their own, they'll be more available to babysit! (too bad we would just want to hang out with them rather than whatever our other plans were as soon as we tried to drop him off).
we never even intended to do godparents, even this informal version, but since we have been around these people and seen them interact with, seek out, and adore our son, we have been just floored by how much they truly love him and are interested in him, independent of the fact that he is the baby of a pair of their best friends. seriously, the ridiculous love they showed judah from day one is what came first and made me even remember the whole idea of godparents. they pretty much loved their way straight into these positions. this is also a wonderful way of tricking them into having to be friends with us for life. even if we turn lame, they still have to come around because they committed to judah. checkmate, suckaz.
we have many amazing friends who have their own kids and love judah like he is theirs, but we thought it would be cool to make these newlyweds who don't have any kids of their own yet the godparents. this way they can practice loving a kid and still not be too responsible for him, plus with no kids of their own, they'll be more available to babysit! (too bad we would just want to hang out with them rather than whatever our other plans were as soon as we tried to drop him off).
also, when you hit a new "stage" in life, sometimes your friends who aren't at that same stage feel less involved, or you start to feel a separation because your experiences become so different. we have had this happen with some of our single friends since we got married, and have seen it happen with couples who have kids versus not. so this was also our way of saying "oh hell naw" to the idea that being in different places in our family lives would keep us apart. we just made them new places in our family!


bonus coverage: playing pictionary man, boys versus girls. here i am thinking of a way better way to draw whatever it is that lukas was attempting and figuring ways to steal crucial seconds from his time.

my favorite was when jesse was trying to get the other boys to guess "tweak," which is a stupidly hard clue by the way. he did great and got elliot and lukas to say "to weaken," but they couldn't translate that into the actual word. so over and over again they just kept saying "to weaken, to weaken" and it was freaking hilarious how close they were to the actual word without getting it at all.
Judah is very loved!!! We would love of picture of him put on our fridge if that is possible.