

getting fixed v4.0

i left for work later than usual one morning last week, and as i pulled out i saw a familiarly-sized box had been delivered to my doorstep!

my 4th fix from stitchfix!

hooray for early mail delivery, and you'd better believe i was taking this bad boy to work and doing a fashion show in the conference room on my break.

as always: a very pregnant moment.

my free gift. it's hard to follow the awesome lip balm from fix #3. i support you, tiny orange branded candy.

i took my ceremonial first peek of the side of my bog o' goods:

it's a mixed bag. literally.

my instant feelings are quite varied. the mint and navy stripes have me over the moon! the red and tan stripes have me under the grave. and then the red could go either way!

digging in:

my accessory.

i asked for only statement pieces and boy did they deliver. this is a rope and metal necklace in teal and royal blue with gold.

i love it. even though the $55 is a little steependous. (but really it's only $35 after the $20 i pay just to send me a new box of potential)

i took these test pics in my bathroom with my phone because it was hotter than sauron's armpit outside.

i told her to "pay no attention to the man behind the curtain," but she's got a wild streak.

so i really like this necklace! and i really like this crazy baby:

if only every accessory was as big a win as the paci

then the whole family converged on me:

jesse was thrilled that he actually got in the picture

and how!

next item:

at $28 it was my cheapest item to date!

but thats where the fun ended on this fartnuker.

i knew i didnt like the color straight away. they did try to give me my ask-for stripes, but i HATE this flesh toned color.

a collared sleevless shirt confuses me, but i'm willing to take risks.

so i tried it on and was so pissed to see that it was totally sheer! something i had specifically asked NOT to include. i was so distraught at stitchfix dropping the ball since they really are amazing at listening to their customers, so i emailed them asking what happened and got a very kind and apologetic email in response and some help with wording my profile so that my NO WAY'S are more clear.

just for yall:

please lord, make it stop.

quickly moving on. (*note, i have seen this shirt on a friend and it's adorable. just not for my skin tone, body type and sheer-aversion).

fun fun fun!

this skirt was a spot on hit for me and my style. bright colors, bold stripes, pockets, A-line. love love the look of this piece from the moment i take it out of the box.

but what about ON me?

i had a hard time styling this (since i didnt have many of the suggested pieces from the styling tag), and really wanted a plainer white top to go with it, so dont get overwhelmed by the ruffle.

i LOVE that the pocket lining has the stripes running vertically. i love the length and the thick waist band.

but i'm not sure if i love it on me. i have a hard time wearing skirts like this one, and something about the fit of this just felt off.


my 4th piece:

a black elbow-patch cardigan for $60

this was also a part of my sad email to customer service: i had asked for no black/brown pieces after last time's neutral-palooza and blammo, a black sweater with camel patches. (they apologized for this one too and said it was put in since i requested versatile fall pieces. and again, we reworded my profile).

honestly, i love the style of this. i love the soft fabric and the cut of the neckline. and i even like this neutral more than most. but for $60 it's too much since i can probably find a black cardi for $10 at old navy and sew on my own patches for free.
hey, you know what? its really hard to casually show your elbows in a mirror pic. so i just leaned into it and went for the bond secret shooting pose.

yup. that s a black cardigan.

what about my 5th item? well i forgot to take a photo of it flat on the ground and of the style tag, so i will give you a double dose of trying-on fun.

this is a red trench-style wrap dress.

styled for 2 different climates

this dress made me feel va-va-va-voom. a low neckline that would need a cami secret for work and a short hem (which is essentially like a bathrobe and i would be sure to accidentally flash the world in) made this wow piece.

and the wrap function really showed off my narrowest point. i think it works well for either season and dressed up or down.

so that was my 4th fix. it was such a fun experience, as always and gave me a few more tools for my little style tool-kit as far as what i like and what works on my body. if you want get yourself styled, you can sign up here to get your first fix sent to your happy doorstep.

what i loved about this fix: in had 2 tops and 2 bottoms and and accessory. a nice variety of pieces since i wasnt looking for one specific thing (aka "send me a cocktail dress!).

there were stripes and preppy items which was something i requested and the prices were falling more into my range. ish.

since this was my first fix where more than one item was a potential keeper, it was really hard! only $20 goes towards buying anything so the total can climb fast if you buy more than one piece. i will tell you after lots of deliberation i settled on just one thing from this fix that i knew i would and could love longterm, and i will tell you which one it was later.

but first, i'd love your style input! what do you think i should have kept from this fix (if anything?)

My other Stitch Fix Posts:


  1. maxi dress from stitch #3 and the black cardi from this one. You look HOT in the neutrals.

  2. Did you try wearing the skirt a little higher up? Like, just a tad.. It might show too much thigh if you do that but you should try! Also, try putting a belt right around the waistline of the skirt. Doing so could give you some added versatility and also dress it up a little of you wanted to.
    And THAT DRESS. Buy it. Smokin hot.

  3. 1. My last fix had that same dress in black- LOVED it but the bust was too small. I hope you kept the dress- it looks awesome on you.
    2. I had some errors in my last fix. I asked for nothing that requires dry cleaning but they included 2 things that needed to be hand-washed. BUMMER, but I fixed my profile so hopefully it won't happen again. Mama doesn't have time for that nonsense.

  4. I think my fave is the striped skirt. If you could find a couple of shirts that well with it, that is. Super cute. Stitch Fix should think about sending tops and bottoms that go together.

    The red dress looks amazing on you too. SO flattering.

    Since I live in Canada and have to live vicariously through Stitch Fix blogs instead of the real deal, just letting you know that I love seeing how they styled the items on those little cards! :)

  5. I love the necklace. The length is great. But $35 (after credit) is steep.

    I'm a fan of the striped skirt. Looks comfy! Pair it with some different colored tops, tanks, cardis...great piece. Great length, too. It ends up a buy-it-or-don't-buy-it-whatev kind of thing for me.

    Oh, but the dress! Has Jesse seen you in that thing?! Stop it right now with that cleavage, and that waist, and those legs! And then you totally made it into a cute fall outfit. Buy it!

  6. Keep the red dress!!!!!! You look gorgeous in it. I agree with your comments regarding the other items, and $55 seems way overprice for that necklace, although I think most of the jewelry they send is pretty pricey for my pocketbook.

  7. Oh I hope it was the dress! It's adorable on you, flattering, and versatile for all seasons. (Incidentally, I requested a fix immediately after your 3rd one but no dice yet. Bummer.)

  8. Do you have magical powers? Because I just got the email from Stichfix! After the children are asleep tonight, I will set it up. And YOU will get a referral! Score!

  9. RED DRESS!!! You look hot and svelte!!!!

  10. I hope you kept the red dress! It looks amazing on you!!!

  11. Red dress! And blue skirt! So cute!!!

  12. Va-va-voom!

  13. I love that red dress and the striped skirt!! I want stitch fix so bad but I'm on a wait list!!

  14. I love the red dress and the striped skirt, but my vote actually goes to the necklace!

    The sheer striped tank is the $28 item I kept from my fix! I managed to style it with a cami underneath and a red cardigan over and made it work... can't pass up a bargain!

  15. Dress. Definitely the dress. It's like you could find some henchmen and solve the case of the missing Mona Lisa any minute now!

  16. I finally got off the waitlist and my first one is coming sometime next week. I cannot wait! I love the skirt. . . It's pretty much my fave color combo ever but that red dress looks amazeballs on you! I never ever wear red, it looks horrible with my skin tone so I say splurge and get both!

  17. The Dress! For the love of Pete, the dress!!

  18. I would not be able to keep my hands off of you if you were in that red dress...IF I WERE YOUR HUSBAND, GAH, SICKO.

    Seriously, it's waaaay sexy-lady. I think it alone is worth the hardship that is the fleshy top. I am envious of your waist.

  19. I LOVED the blue skirt on you, super flattering. I also loved the red dress and with the versatility you'll get a ton of wear out of it. I can't commit to jumping on board with Stitch, I'm too afraid of commitment. I think I'd feel like because they went to all that trouble of picking things out and sending it to me, I should probably buy something, but really I just want to try something on that somebody else picked out for me.

  20. Dear Lord....If Jesse saw the dress, surely you kept it?! I <3 the necklace but it is a bit steep for a necklace...but the dress. THE DRESS! The skirt is cute too, perhaps a bit higher on the waist, and it would be adorable.


  21. You should have kept both the dress and the blue skirt...if you picked one I'm guessing its the red dress. Loved reading the comments from others that are trying stitch fix...maybe some of them will blog and they can link up with you.

  22. THE DRESS THE DRESS THE DRESS! Both ways were amazing on you!

  23. It's definitely either the necklace or the dress. And I'm in love with that dress. By itself, and on you. Anything that makes Keight say "va-va-voom" in the how-she-feels-about-her-appearance category should definitely be kept. And the price seems more reasonable than the necklace considering it's an entire outfit in itself, and not just an accessory. PLUS I feel like that necklace, while cool, would be super easy (and cheap) to DIY. I really really hope you kept the dress! (No judgment though, as per usual.)

  24. I say the dress or the necklace. Both were great!

  25. The red dress FO SHO. I agree with everyone else, definitely more bang for your buck. And it might GET YOU banged for your buck! WHAAAAAAT?!? (No? Too far?) I requested my fix after your second or third (and reading about Raechel's too) but no response yet. Sad day.

  26. This is weird. Just yesterday I was thinking I haven't seen one of your fun stitch fix posts lately and boom here it is!! As we have no such service in the UK I totally love going through the box and your thoughts with you :-)

    So I love the necklace and the colours/stripeyness of the skirt but I really hope you went with the dress!! It looks amazing and fits you perfectly and you've already shown how versatile it is!! And I'm fairly sure I've seen tutorials somewhere on the interwebs to make a necklace like that. Is $55 a lot? It sounds it but I can't be bothered to google a currency converter and check. So yeah, make the necklace and keep the dress!!

    Hopefully next time you will get a whole box of things that match your wants. But then you might want to buy them all!!!!
