


the past few months i have had a ton of random sewing orders and projects. from etsy, to orders for friends, to my own stuff for fun and around the house, the projects were coming fast. i almost always take pictures of the things i make but sometimes they don't feel grand enough for their own post. so they have all piled up and are driving me insane on my memory card. therefore, here they come in one big horn-of-plenty post.

a batch of jewelry rolls for wedding bridesmaids' gifts. loved my customer's fabric choices.

3 custom key chains for my mom to giver some of her former students who are graduating high school this year. they are going to virginia tech, GEORGIA TECH (to play vball, woot!), and UGA (i am contractually obligated to say "booo!" but i love their colors and this fob even still). i have 3 more to make for tulane, upenn and the university of south carolina. loving these college-colored projects

remember when my ironing board need a makeover back in this post? i said my ironing board was so yucky and just had to make a new cover for it so bad. well since then i have worked a little harder and my definition of "so yucky" has clearly changed. i

wow. poor elephant friends. decided to upgrade to a full sized ironing board too. since this one has been too small for many of my ironing needs lately.

used some really old ikea fabric that i hadn't had a chance to use yet, and...hooray! the colors make ironing much more cheerful. i love the adjustable height of the big board too because i can lower it and just spin from my sewing machine to press my projects without missing a beat or burning a single calorie!

got a unique request for a huge key chain. 12" long (double the normal length), with a stiletto heel icon, and a quote from a brad paisley song. quite the combo. this customer KNEW what she wanted and was really sweet working with me.

i made a dozen burp cloths for my friend bird's mom to give her other daughter (bird's sis) who is expecting any minute now. it was tricky because they dont know the gender. i was told to go with a jungle-ish theme. loved how they turned out.

had to put in one in honor of the baby's auntie bird!

more bridesmaids gift. my first 100% matching set!

some throw pillows for lena for graduation. her entire apartment is ALL neutrals. so i was having a meltdown under the pressure of essentially starting their color scheme for them from scratch. jesse took this pic so you cant tell the grey circles on is a smaller rectangle shaped pillow. these were done in 30 minutes using raechel's awesome tutorial.

after i made this boppy cover, i wanted to give a bigger-sized font a whirl. so i tried the larger letters out on layla's boppy. LOVE how it turned out. though i should have picked a more contrasting fabric b/c the letters are kind of hard to read. luckily i know her name.

so i was ready to do the big letters on all the boppy orders. here's one i made for the niece of one of my old teammates. love it. love her little name!

i have made a bunch of these bowtie + suspender onesies for some friends lately. here is one in an entire little gift set that my friend kristen ordered for a shower gift. so fun! (the bib was using another raechel tutorial)

glad to get those off my chest and onto a digital server.

***updated. yes, i am taking orders for just about anything you can think of that you've ever seen me make. i dont put a lot of this stuff in my etsy store because A: i am lazy and B: that's about it. just email me if you're interested!***


  1. Oh my gosh, the bowtie/suspender onesie is adorable. I'd love to get one for my nephew but didn't see it in your etsy store. Are you taking orders for them? pleasepleaseplease? (

  2. Suspenders + bowtie + onesie = totally rad!!!
    And I love the big lettering on the boppies. So fun!

  3. I love them all! I really need a pillow cover for my travel neck pillow. You up for that?

  4. LOVE the set of burp cloths and the suspenders. Too cute... must have another baby soon just to get these things...

  5. Um, you're really, really talented. :) I love those throw pillows... especially the yellow one!

    Came here via Finding My Feet. :)

  6. So excited to see the pictures on here (seems so much cooler when they are on your blog and not just in an email!). Rebecca's baby shower is this coming Saturday and I can't believe I've kept it from her this long. Can't wait to see her face when she opens it! Thanks again and if you ever need reviews :), you get 10 stars from me (and her!)!

  7. The suspenders are such a formal military thing!!! i. must. have.
