

giveaway 80 results

*if you wanna try your hand judah's birthday picture game for funsies go here before you read this post.
i should have invited all of y'all to judah's birthday party so you could regulate on the game. you guys did so much better than the day-of participants, averaging about 7 correct answers to their less than 4! here's how y'all did (feel free to check and make sure i graded you right):
2-betsy (maybe it was hard with no lamb there for comparison!)
4-courtney and carter's mommy (who won the dedication award for printing out the pictures!)
5-joanna (though her mind may have been elsewhere since she got married last saturday!)
6-allie, candi and adrienne
but wait! there was some major drama at the buzzer between the highest scorers. when i posted the collage i accidentally put E in twice and left out C. before i could fix it, merran filled in her responses so she only had 11 answers. but, depending on her placement of C she was either going to have 10 right and be tied as grand champion OR put it in the wrong place and have only 8 right putting her in a tie for second. after her write-in ballot it turns out that she switched C and G making the final placement as follows:
8-mikki, erica, steph and merran (seriously amazing)
10-lori (TEN!?!?! dem skillz)
click the "read more" link below this little teaser pic to see the correct progression and to read some more fun facts about how you all did:

from left to right top to bottom, here is how judah grew each month of his first year!
no one missed F as month #1. he still looks pretty fetal in that pic.
months 2-4 gave lots of peeps trouble and i might have switched K and A myself since you can't see his hair in the A photo and it looks like he had less than in K. the clue to D as month #2 is that he still had his jaundice tan going on. lori and merran were the only ones to get those 3 months in the right order.
he looks exactly the same months 5-9 so i am impressed that anybody did as well as they did and especially by lori, steph and erica who got those right 5 for 5!
everybody (except for corndog, hahah) got H as month #10 right. i was so amazed by this that i checked the photo to make sure the number 10 wasn't written somewhere else.
the only 2 that champion lori switched almost everybody did too (and i probably would have too if i hadn't taken the pictures) were J and B. big woot-woots to mikki and allie for getting B and J as 11 and 12 months.
i am guessing i would have gotten about 6 correct if i had played as a blind contestant and not the arranger. i will put these away and try again in a few years and see how i do. thanks for playing!
alright lori, even though i never win YOUR giveaways, you earned this one fair and sqaure from me. let me know what you want me to make (a "CSABGW" monogrammed sweat towel for evan is definitely possible).


  1. Ahhh! At least I got six right!

    I'm thinking about trying this with Emma's pictures. Can I steal your idea? Maybe I'll make it easy and use it as a two year birthday post. You know, post two pictures, age one and age two, and see how well people do. Haha!

  2. close! I had so much fun playing though. I WILL win a giveaway at some point :)

  3. Two? Are you serious??? I was so confident going into this. Well, at least you know that I didn't cheat! :-)

  4. Awesome- I'm the winner!
    And that was alot of fun.
    And not too hard- since Judah is such a cutie!
    And even though you didn't win my contest, Evan and I still want to have dinner with you guys soon.
    And yes, I need you to craft a sweat towel for Evan to use on the treadmill. He's running the Peachtree in July so sweat is flying everywhere right now- gross!
    And take liberty to put whatever you feel appropriate for a 34 year old man!

  5. well crap. i was so sure i'd gotten c & g in the right order. i hate losing.
