

Minimalism by Judah: Volume 1

I would never call Judah "artsy." He doesn't lose himself in coloring or drawing or creative projects the way some kids his age do. But sometimes, he does catch inspiration and will put a lot of focus and hard work into a project.

And then there are times when he just dashes off a few drawings in about 90 seconds and they come out kind of simple and brilliant and I am cracked up.

The first time he did this was 5 months ago during a strong Ninja Turtles period. I posted that minimalist rendition on my Instagram

At first glance I thought he was just being lazy and 5, but upon closer inspection I realized these are fairly thoughtful and capture the relevant details perfectly: Raph (red) is intense, therefore the mouth. Mikey (orange) is a jokester therefore the tongue. Leo (blue) is the leader and therefore was drawn first. I even love how he ended up putting their eye masks atop their heads (nothing genius there, I don't believe, just cute and gigglesome).

Well, last night we got our next installment of our little man's highly specific form of art. He called us into his room and surprised us with this batch of sketches that, again, failed to impress me at first glance, but which rocked my world when I looked at them more carefully.

 He's not huge into detail, but what he does include is pretty cool.

Am I suffering from mommy-blindness and it's NOT totally obvious who these guys are? Can you name them?

I am not wanting him to churn out many series of these--it's such a cool insight into how his little mind works!

UPDATE: Scroll down for the answer.








It's the gang from Judah's current favorite movie, Guardians of the Galaxy (which is actually, a seriously great movie for any age...I was shocked  because I dont love Marvel).

Too bad Judah drew Chris Pratt with the mask on...and the shirt.


  1. And Mike Wazowski from Monsters Inc.

  2. Not in touch with 5 year olds, so totally confused.

  3. Guardians of the Galaxy? I see Groot. :)

  4. I see The Guardians of the Galaxy! At least I can see Groot (second) and Rocket (on the right).

  5. OMG I totally see Guardians of the Galaxy! You've got Drax, Groot, Star Lord, Gamora, and Rocket!

    Groot was the first one that I saw, and then the others made sense.

  6. Luke skywalker, Princess lea, darth vador, Jabba with hut, chewbacca. Wait chewy and Lea might need to be switched.
