

dancin' in the light of the shed

this weekend jesse finished the shed that he and his dad built last summer. for months it has been a dark cube of space that was both helpful and terrifying.

but NOW, after jesse wired it for electricity (all by HIMSELF!!!!), added a workbench, and brilliantly enlisted my old sewing space shelf castoffs, it is such a happy space of outdoorganization (eh, eh?). 

the way he was maximizing vertical space in there with stuff we already had around the house was almost indecent. he really knows how to push my buttons, lemme tell ya. there is now a place for EVERYTHING. dog food, fertilizer, saws, hammers, wood, everything. 

and what better place for a princess dance recital than an enclosed shed filled with blades, chemicals, and raw lumber?

i'm just as thrilled as layla because now jesse WANTS to be back there working on projects and building things. pinterest and i are willing and able to help him in that department.


  1. WOW! WOW! WOW! Such a cool outdoor harbour, electricity, doors, organization, etc.!!! So proud of my boy! Pretty impressed with the creator of the dancing shed and especially impressed with the precious little dancing ballerina!

  2. cute girl!!!! um... are you a photoshop user, Keight! I'm impressed!

    1. ha! no your tutorial was WAY over my head. i just googled "gif maker" and it churned this puppy out.

  3. WOW! Jesse's a DIY-er, as well? Too much talent in one family...

  4. okay, this is way too cute!
