

all a-jumble

i was going to take a whole week off from blogging, but recent events have my brain too full to cope. 

take heed, poor souls of the internet, thou art mine pensieve.

here comes a bunch of stuff.

-i turned 30 on tuesday. it was harmless. other than the spontaneous evaporation of all my collagen and that government agent showing up and confiscating all of my cool jeans and issuing me my official over-30's pair of high-waisted Lee's.  also: i still have zits. WTF?

-speaking of clothes, i tried out wittlebee for layla, and her first box came yesterday. i was really happy and will show yall the results next week.

-this morning i came in to work and found that my wireless internet wouldnt connect. so i rebooted. and that was the last i saw of my hard drive as the blue screen of death mocked me to my face.  the even better news is that i was using my work computer to back up our home computer so its like getting kicked in the electronic balls at home and on the job!  it's at the ER right now seeing if anything is salvageable, but prospects are grim.

-judah is going through a tricksy phase right now. he gets out of bed a million times a night, usually because he, "needs sumfin!" he also is having major trouble coping with the smallest disappointments and spends much of his day flopping around on the floor in sack cloth and ashes because we told him he couldn't have cheez-its for dinner. i dont know if the interrupted sleep is causing the moods, or vice versa, but we are losing it. i had heard the 3's are the new terrible twos, and so far 3 has been WAY harder than 2 was in the raising-judah department. help, please!

-the first episode of the final season of "30 Rock" was last night. i feel the same way that i did about the 7th harry potter book. i was so excited to read it, but also knew that every page consumed was getting me closer to the end. i love this show with the fiery passion of a bi-solar tattooine summer's day.

-i am offering 20% off all my braided scarfs right now in my etsy shop. enter code SCARFTOBER at checkout. i have some brand new colors and stripes in stock this year.

-i HATE politics (though i love freedom and unwad your panties) but this was obviously the best thing accomplished by the presidential debate.

sorry, that's all i got. i am mostly just needy today. please tell me how to parent this 3 year old boy of mine AND please send me all of my hard drive's documents. thank you.


  1. Thanks for the link to the best thing to come out of the debate. I'm not a fan of politics and the drama between peeps that comes with it. This almost made me pee my pants which I prefer hands down to the emotions of frustration and aggravation that I normally associate with all things political.

  2. Sorry to hear you're having a bit of a crappy time Keight. I don't understand computers..... or 3 year olds!!! BUT this might make you smile (if link works)

    I might have cried with laughter a little bit. And watched it several times :-)
    P.S HAPPY BIRTHDAY young one xxx

  3. That hair thing is just about the funniest thing ever. I found it via pinterest before and almost peed a little.

    For Judah- can you try an earlier bedtime?

  4. Our good buddy Nancy Higgins has 3 short blogs on parenting.

    Wonder if this is related to changing beds? You might him what he thinks would help him stay put. Let's talk when I see you.

  5. Our good buddy Nancy Higgins has 3 short blogs on parenting.

    Wonder if this is related to changing beds? You might him what he thinks would help him stay put. Let's talk when I see you.

  6. I am in no place to give advice as my four-year-old daughter is given to wild, unprovoked tantrums that leave us bewildered and COMPLETELY OUT OF TRICKS, as she responds to nothing. In fact, this past weekend she tantrumed and screamed so hard she made herself puke.

    Moral: My thoughts go with you. And Cheez-Its for dinner sound awesome, so seriously Mom, you're so unfair, gah.

  7. Okay. I'm not a super health nut or anything. But maybe just pay attention to what he's eating. Has his diet changed recently? Is there something he's obsessed with eating tons of (cheez-it's??) and what does it have in it. This year I discovered that my three year old is allergic to red dye in food. She had a stutter and the red dye made it significantly worse. Who would have thought?? Red dye has been linked to behavior issues as well.

    If the behavior is uncharicteristic for his personality then maybe you have another problem like diet. I don't think kids change completely just because they turn three. Three just magnifies whatever is already there. :) My oldest daughter started throwing throw yourself on the floor fits at 18 months, it was totally consistent with her desire to be in control. They didn't stop until I told her she would get a spanking every time she did it and I followed through. I had tried everything else and was desperate. It took about 5 spankings (with me being consistent - no matter what else was going on) and she stopped.

    It's all trial and error. Just keep trying until you find what works. And don't be afraid to pick your battles. Cheez it's for dinner is not the end of the world if you just won the last battle and arent ready for another one yet. Just make sure you win every battle you take on.

    Good luck!

  8. Okay. I'm not a super health nut or anything. But maybe just pay attention to what he's eating. Has his diet changed recently? Is there something he's obsessed with eating tons of (cheez-it's??) and what does it have in it. This year I discovered that my three year old is allergic to red dye in food. She had a stutter and the red dye made it significantly worse. Who would have thought?? Red dye has been linked to behavior issues as well.

    If the behavior is uncharicteristic for his personality then maybe you have another problem like diet. I don't think kids change completely just because they turn three. Three just magnifies whatever is already there. :) My oldest daughter started throwing throw yourself on the floor fits at 18 months, it was totally consistent with her desire to be in control. They didn't stop until I told her she would get a spanking every time she did it and I followed through. I had tried everything else and was desperate. It took about 5 spankings (with me being consistent - no matter what else was going on) and she stopped.

    It's all trial and error. Just keep trying until you find what works. And don't be afraid to pick your battles. Cheez it's for dinner is not the end of the world if you just won the last battle and arent ready for another one yet. Just make sure you win every battle you take on.

    Good luck!

  9. He's 3.... There was no diet change in my son who is a pretty healthy eater, and this was the transition time for him when he would stop taking naps. He's now 4 and still most evenings about dinner time he's a bear! We moved up his bedtime to about 7:30. 2's were a complete BREEZE compared to these 3's and 4's. As far as the tantrums we just made sure to tell him why he couldn't have what he wanted and let it go... he's welcome to feel the way he does, but it didn't mean that it would change what was right. He eventually stopped with the tantrums. Now it's just whining... which, I tell you, is equally frustrating!

  10. I feel your pain with the whole "30 and still with the zits?!" business. If anything mine are worse now than they were when I was 15. I use aspirin (on my skin not in my mouth) to try and calm them down a bit.

    As for parenting a 3-year-old: if you find out what works - scream it from the rooftops please!
