

Luke 10:27 (toddler remix)

jesse caught this on tape (though in the dark) back in may and i just now found it on our youtube. it's kind of awesome. 

i have a horrible knowledge of the bible and at my age, memorizing scripture (now that i actually want to) is really hard for my old, crusty brain. so it is pretty cool to see judah writing this stuff on his heart and in his mind so young because i know tha, at his age, this stuff sticks and will be at his grasp for decades (i know this because i can still recite almost the entire animaniacs themesong...what a waste of neurons).

since jesus' message is something we believe with all of our being, we feel like it is invaluable to teach our children about him from the get-go. obviously their faith must become their own, in time. but as believers, even if judah goes his own way or even denies jesus at some point in his story, we feel it's our duty as believing parents to have ingrained these truths in him. 

do yall do memory verses with your kids? is their capacity to memorize astounding? what age can you start this? what are the most important verses that you want your kids to know? edukeight me!


  1. We love the old Steve Green songs that put verses to music. Our church also does Awana and they memorize as young as 3. It's awesome.

  2. I almost forgot about animaniacs. Nice. Is it bad that we still quote pinky and the brain in our house?

    Just for you:

  3. So precious! My mom taught my siblings and me so many verses when we were growing up that I still remember to this day. It's something I hope to do with my children as well. She always made it a game - would set verses to simple tunes, to handclaps, do silly voices, etc. - so we thought it was fun, not a chore. At any rate, some short but good ones are: Ephesians 2:8, 1 John 4:21, 1 Timothy 4:12, Psalm 119:105, Genesis 1:27, and of course, John 3:16.

  4. I didn't grow up in a Christian home and when I was in high school, when I actually did attend church four days a week, I was only there for social hour. Awesome because now I'm almost 30 and I pretty much know like five Bible verses (yet I know all of the words from "We Go Together," the last song they sing in Grease. A song of a bunch of made-up words. Yay for wasted brain space.).

  5. Love it! I bought these ABC scripture cards and LOVE them!!! A good friend of Art and Katie Douglas created them.

  6. Love love love! We have the abc verse cards too, and try to go over a few before bed. It's funny though, because sometimes I think I'm getting more out of the memorization- like discovering my life verse. You know, no big deal. ;)

  7. Can't tell you how much I love hearing this. So wish I had a tape of his daddy's voice saying the same verse!!! Bet it would have sounded a lot like this since he was learning it at this age too! I asked Jesus for a special verse for each of the kids, and they said that each night too. Was awesome to say and pray that for them as they recited.
