

jesse's girls

we had a quick mini session for layla scheduled with our superhuman photographer, brenna, a little while ago. it was at 6 pm on a friday.

as i headed home from work that afternoon, i was praising the lord that this was just a lay-lay session and that i didnt have to get the whole family coordinated and looking nice. i was looking forward to being able to just jump around behind brenna to make layla laugh.

layla had other plans. if i wasnt right there holding her, she would not stay put (doy) nor would she look at the camera or be happy. so against all of my plans, i had to jump in there with her.

some miracle occurred where i happened to be wearing cute clothes at the time. also: it was friday and i literally hadnt washed my hair since monday. not only had i gone the whole day with my makeup situation, but i had also taken a one hour nap after getting home and before leaving. i was DREADING these photos coming out and having to crop myself out of all of them and then pull myself out of a self-esteem tailspin (OMG, remember that cartoon? O-E-A, O-E-O! ) with some sharp cheddar and a bottle of $6 wine.

but i underestimated the transformative power of an excellent artist's hand (brenna) and how pure love (mine for layla) can light up a person's face and, dare i say it?, even make their hair look less greasy.

so layla's solo session turned into a mommy and me session, and i am falling down in love with these pics:

hair not subject to the forces of gravity: yeah, it's in our DNA

probably my overall fave. the quilt, the boat shoes (which i was given at a baby shower for JUDAH and totally forgot about them. good thing they are fashiony for girls now), the wonky pigtail, her smile.

earth tones baby.

our favorite game of tug.

we like each other. and snacks.

tuh-rub-uhl, yall.

be still my heart.

proceed to gobble her.

dont fight that loving feeling, lay

oh man she's a firecracker

she get's my jokes

i could not love the gooberness more



  1. I love the colors of the ones of you guys on the patio! Just so great.

    And $6 wine?? What are you, MADE OF GOLD? (I am best friends with Two Buck Chuck.)

  2. Inspired by Raechel, but in line with Christine, we are planning a wine and cheese party for parents. Due to single incomes and multiple children, our friends are invited to bring their favorite TJ's wine, somethink along the line of a brick of Kraft extra sharp, and their kids.

    And great pics! I love the yellow shorts.

  3. love these pictures - just stumbled across your blog; love it! Following you now girl!
