

song and dance and layla chants

i shall watch these on repeat for ever and ever.

jesse caught this at bedtime (there is no video, just the audio...but its golden).

i caught this snippet of layla beat-boxing slash dropping it like it's hot. in case we were confused: she is definitely white. the moves prove it.

and here is the extent of our mother daughter discourse these days. hopefully we will be adding more as the years go by (yes she is IN judah's potty. BFD, it's clean and its her favorite place, yall:


  1. Tag, you're it! (I'm a real person, not a creeper... unless blog stalking you counts. Then yes I am.) I just thought it would be fun to see your answers if want to play along with the tag game going around! (no pressure if you don't want to, though!)

    LOVE your blog!

  2. Crazy over the song!!! Oh my heavens...way to melt my heart! I LOVE the way he accents his r's. SO uniquely Judah!!

    Lay Lay will be in full sentences before we know it!

  3. Oh my. Layla is a girl Mac. Betrothal?
