

january sponsor & giveaway: 19elephants

i am thrilled to be showing off my first ever sponsors today and giving away some goodies from them. be sure to check out both sponsor posts and enter both giveaways!

19elephants is a shop full of handmade deliciocity. it is run by beth, and sister is a jack of all trades. she is rocking the sewing, crocheting, hairbows and more. all at really great prices.

there is SO much variety in the things beth can make--and make WELL--, from scarves for me to lunchbags for the kids to a beanie hat that i am pretty sure jesse would look mega-fine in.

here are just a few of the things i would go bananas for (for reals, the variety of things in there is amazing) if i had my very own 19elephants shopping spree:

the crochet cowl with flower pin. seriously. i must have this. comes in lots of colors, but i love this oatmeal shade already.

no fancy lady tying of the scarf to make it look cool: it just sits there and is awesome all by itself. and i would use the removable flower pin (in my choice of color...i choose gray!) like a red light green light scenario. if i have the flower on, i'm feeling friendly and want to make new buddies, but then when i take it off i am cool and unapproachable. that's totally how it works, guys.

so help me, layla *almost* has enough "business in the front," to necessitate a bow and balance out her "party in the back" baby mullet. one of these adorable litte accents would make her terminator assaults even more darling. plus, people would know she's a girl when we dress he in judah's old sneakers and shirts. bonus!

this thing would give judah so much joy, running around, roaring (do crocodiles roar?) and taking big chomps out of everyone. i love his big googlie eyes and shiny white grill (the puppets that is...and judah's too). the fact that this is a hand made and not mass-produced toy would satisfy the hippie mother in me that would come out if only i fed her some quinoa.

GIVEAWAY: $15 store credit to the 19elephants etsy shop

to enter (required): leave a comment on this post saying which item(s) you'd use your winnings on

additional entries (separate comment saying you did so for each):

-be/become a follower here
-favorite 19elephants etsy shop

so that's a total of 3 possible comment for 3 entries. i will announce the winner on friday morning.

DISCOUNT: from now until next friday, january 20th, everyone who enters DUKES15 at checkout, will receive 15% off their entire order at 19elephants.

good luck! and you'd better hustle if you want to beat me to that cowl!


  1. more! entry #1 - i'd definitely go with the Crochet Cowl with Crochet Flower Pin if i won :)

  2. #2 - i follow/subscribe to your blog!

  3. #3 - i added 19elephants to my faves!

  4. I would love to use my winnings towards the crochet cowl scarf with flower pin! Super cute!

  5. I follow your blog also!

  6. entry 1 - i clearly the crochet slouchie beanie to cover my unwashed hair. lazy is good. hats are better.

  7. entry 2: (can you tell A.Leo and I are IRL friends?) I follow your blog - and love it.

  8. I am also in love with the cowl with flower!

  9. I already follow your blog!

  10. entry 3 - favorited 19elephants! (is that a verb? it is now. i think that gets my pick for january's neologism.)

  11. I added this shop to my Etsy favorites!

  12. I would definitely get the crochet button cowl!

  13. I am already a follower on here!

  14. And I favorited Beth's etsy shop!!
    I always love your giveaways!!

  15. Reusable sandwich bag...hello, I need one of these! I pack my lunch everyday.

  16. I already follow your wonderful blog.

  17. I added her Etsy shop to my favorites!

  18. So would buy bows and maybe a crocodile hand puppet... those things are adorbs

  19. And you know I'm an avid follower

  20. and I favorited 19 elephants

  21. this shiz is awesballs! i want ALL of these giveaways plus the ones in the newest post. rules are not for me. so go ahead and pop my name in the drawing. (plus I am already your biggest international fan)

    (flower pin and bows and flower stuff above is adorb.)

  22. oh. DOH. I need to go buy with the giveaway discount. i love america. buying things can be called a giveaway and all of a sudden instead of spending money it can be called winning. YOU WON! god bless america.

  23. can you tell I skimmed both time through. yes?

    i blame you. the photos distracted from the words.

  24. Those no slip hair bows are serious. I love a baby hair bow. But I think the cowl would probably be my winner, mostly because I started knitting a cowl and then stopped (bad at knitting) but I still want a cowl!

  25. I would either get the button cowl or the croched cowl with flower.

    A croched cowl was the one thing on my Christmas list that I didn't get!

  26. I favorited 19 elephants on etsy!

  27. What a fun shop! If I won, I'd definitely go for either the finger puppets or hand puppet - so pretty!

  28. I love 19elephants on Etsy!

  29. And, I love you Keighter-tot. Yup.

  30. REUSABLE SANDWICH BAG IN CAMO! Real camo too... the digital kind. None of the old stuff. She must know me?

  31. I would choose either the finger puppets or the yellow rose pin and dino sandwich bag! Man, hard to choose!

  32. Super cute stuff! I'd have to go with the cowl/flower combo. AND - I'd have to go with some sort of combo in the oatmeal/brown families as well - I wear so much brown - and my coat and vest are both brown. boring, but that's how I roll! :) thanks for the chance to win!

  33. #1 I could totally use that crochet cowl. My boss likes to keep it like a morgue in his office, therefore making my office like a frozen tundra in the Arctic. I have to wear a scarf everyday just so I can try to stay warm (that and a cup of tea helps too!).

  34. #2 I am now following you, well I ALWAYS am on Twitter! I never finished those scarves either. The mass that you made though is still very impressive.

  35. #3 I added 19elephants to my favorites on ETSY!!!! I see some gifts from them coming my peeps way in the near future.

  36. Entry #1
    My boys would love the puppets!

  37. Entry #3
    Added the shop to my favorites!
