

sharing 101

layla spots spencer the train. decides he would fit nicely in her mouth

layla attempts to acquire spencer the train using her only known move: the reach. reach comes up short.

judah remains oblivious. layla is excited that spencer is getting closer despite the failure of reach. just a little closer and the train will be hers.

spencer closes the gap and strikes our for new territory on bald top mountain. choo-choo. alas, this was not what layla had in mind.


  1. Loving Layla's outfit! Did you make it? If so, what pattern? Also, I must admit as the story built up I totally thought she may end up with the diaper that was just out of reach.

  2. Um, what about "Cute pinafore and bloomers 101"? She looks great!!

    Poor J, nothing cute to sew for boys...

  3. ahhh I love her little outfit!!! PRECIOUS!!

  4. Hi Keight! Raechel just told Lizzie and I that we are going to get to babysit Judah and Layla in a couple of weeks! I've been, um, stalking your blog without commenting for a while.... but I'm so excited to meet you and your cute kids!
    -Audrey (a myers co-nanny:)
