

i'm back, baby

dare i say it? i think morning sickness is on its way out. i am able to avoid feeling like death almost all the time, as long as i eat at proper intervals (hourly). in addition i no longer need to take 2 naps a day. that is pathetically true about my life these past 7 weeks. i would go to bed around 9:30, wake up at 7 and still take a nap around lunchtime and then one at 3pm. yikes. i still take one nap after work if judah is sleeping or jesse is with him, but i am really close to saying i might not actually need one. halleljuah fallujah.

this saturday marks week 13, the end of the first trimester!!! trumpet fanfare. jesse and i always celebrate the end of each trimester with a superbinge. last pregnancy we hit up melting pot, fogo de chao and the hil for our 3 celebrations. we haven't decided where to go this time, but just reading the words "melting pot" is creating lots of drool in my mouth.

so i haven't touched the sewing machine since i started getting pummelled by the fetus, so this is a good sign. after writing about the burp cloths yesterday i got all excited and went home and made one for judah.

it would look way sharper with a navy blue border, but it was 10:07 when i finished and i just can't be up at such an hour

also, i took a pic of my current fabric stash for the winner of giveaway 75 to peruse (or anybody else who wants to commission me to make something, anything for them). my fabric obsession continued for a few weeks after the actual sewing died, so i amassed quite a stockpile of lonely fabric that has been sitting in the nook waiting for this day.

you should be able to click it open to a bigger version for better detail

bonus: judah is a walking fiend. he will walk along with you all day holding just one finger and he can go about 20 steps at a time by himself and is choosing walking as his mode of transportation more and more. we are wondering if he will be running around at his birthday party in 3 weeks.

t-shirt: threadless by lena. shorts: old navy clearance by mommy because they match a pair of daddy's shorts. shoes: target by daddy because they are skater style. not sure where his neck is in this photo.

AHHH! when spazzy babies's awesome. note that the vampire teeth are still longer than the front ones.


  1. He will be running around by then! Trust me! And I can't wait to see it :) So glad you are feeling better, girl :)

  2. Hey Keight, I had a lot of catching up to do! You've been busy...I'm commenting on lots of the posts, so here it goes: * am amazed you're even thinking about prizes as sick as you've been and my home fights don't usually put me in the mood to bless others, so you have your moments of modeling Jesus even in the midst of the battle--yeah! * I love reading your writings about your (and our) little babe being such a miracle of movement while only as tiny as a small red fruit...he/she seems to be enjoying the ride! *I imagine a happier tummy that doesn't do flip flops and have to hit the hay twice a day is going to make a happier mommy-2nd trimester is the fun part--hope you enjoy it! *Any picture/video of Judah is adorable-the ball, the washer & dryer are all priceless. *Thanks for posting a flattering picture of me-I owe you...angles are king! I'll be looking for my honorable mention prize for driving the farther-est to be there!! *So glad you were feeling well enough to really be there for Jake's party. You & Judah were so cute with the coonskin hat, sorry my picture taking is not as good as yours! Love you.

  3. I am a new follower - ohmygoodness are you hilarious! I just crack up at your writings - such a way with words, girl you have a gift! Your little one is precious and congrats on the new one coming! Jesse may remember my son Tyler from Sandy Creek - it's a small world. I hope your morning sickness is long gone and you will soon be feeling *normal* again. My husband and I ate at The Hil for the first time last weekend - fabulous! A little pricey but the food was superb.

  4. I would like to celebrate the end of your 1st trimester as well by binging at a restaurant somewhere this weekend in NY! I'll think of you, Jesse, Judah, and the strawberry :-)

  5. i already have my dream burp cloth, but is it bas if i don't want to risk using it for fear it will end up stained?! love it! thanks, keight!!!
