

wish upon a krystal star

preface: dear mom, i realize that at my behest, you came to our house on sunday, after a week of shopping and cooking, bearing 18 full delicious, healthy meals and bunches of groceries to help us get through these last (please, lord) few weeks of morning sickness-induced cooking/shopping aversion. please realize how much i appreciate this and plan to eat every morsel of the fruits of your efforts and the fruits that you bought at the store. the following story should not be taken as a slap in the face and instead should be seen as simply the psychotic whims of my pregnant stomach that is averaging 1.25 vomits per day. i love you and your food.
here's the deal with my particular brand of morning sickness. any food that i have to see or smell before i am 100% starving and ready to eat it becomes repulsive to me almost instantly at the thought of actually eating it. this means i pretty much have to wait until i am really really hungry and then ambush my food. or more likely, this means that someone else has to prepare my food for me. i hate smelling it beforehand so that rules out jesse cooking (which he so would). and since ALL food repulses me right up until the moment where i am so hungry that judah's little leg rolls are starting to resemble plump crullers, i don't feel like going to a nice healthy restaurant and waiting 20 minutes for them to steam or de-fattify my food. essentially this means that during this dreadful period of early pregnancy i eat a lot of fast food. shame given. shame taken. moving on.
i think jesse, my coworkers and my birth teacher would testify that i am a pretty nutritional pregnant eater. with judah the sickness stopped right on the 10 week mark, the day he went from embryo to fetus. so that left 29 weeks of produce, grains and lean meats to cancel out the 10 (really only 6 or 7) weeks of arterial purgatory. judah has glowing skin, robust nail beds and a supple coat to attest to the fact that i did a pretty good job. so i don't feel so bad about the trash i ate there at first when the blog tagline would have been "put up your dukes: just barely surviving."
so there's my shoddy justification. moving on. all i could think about today from the moment i woke up was, "what time does krystal start serving lunch?" that's right, i had a craving. my cravings tend to be very specific and not repetitive. i don't always want pickles for the whole 9 months, but so help me if you don't give me a zaxby's chicken finger in about 30 seconds, this whole place is gonna burn! and then i won't eat that same food again for 24 weeks or something. so today was krystal.
i must say that krystal, while also the most disgusting, nutritionally-void and least-customer-service minded restaurant chain in this great nation, is by far my favorite fast food joint.

once, when i was a freshman in college i ate there the night before a volleyball game. i got debilitating diarrhea (think hot, yellow foam) the next morning that kept me from being able to play and the trainer blamed it on the chili cheese pups (little did he know that my steel colon was MADE for all things chili-cheese and it was probably that fruit and granola i had eaten at pregame that my intestines were rebelling against). i was slapped with a lifetime ban by my coach.

luckily, i don't play under that regime any longer. not that that ever kept me away...lifetime bans are temporarily lifted when you and your BFF have had a bit too much to drink and after 3 hours of spastic undulations that we were just so sure was super hot and rhythmic dance moves you all of a sudden realize that you have never been so hungry in your entire life so you hike it over to krystal and order half the menu followed by snuggling up in a booth mumbling into our grease-laden soggy buns about how its the best food we've ever eaten in our entire lives while also pondering if that homeless person ensconced in his/her windbreaker to our left is a male, female or turtle. ah, the golden years.

homeless hair and musical talent simulated. problem skin and hess's pants are reality

have a made my point? i love krystal. today, the only thing i aspired to was eating there for lunch. so my old volvo was idling just beyond the drive thru entry when the clocked ticked over to 10:30 am. $10 later (how the fuuuuuuuuh?) i was proudly dragging my bounty back to my desk. my office is on the second floor so taking the stairs preemptively cancels it all out anyway.

dreams do come true (look away, mom!)

i got a little ahead of myself and ordered way too much. i only ate one pup and one double cheese krystal, but it was so worth it. i have a raging sodium/caffiene/saturated meat fat headache right now, but i wouldn't trade it for the world. everybody say your prayers that the end of the pregpocalypse comes this saturday at week 10!


  1. Get it girl! I remember the days when you would try and convince me that Krystal was the best thing made on earth, well you and Justin can have is gross!

  2. and now i just got to the sentences after the hot yellow foam..bahahahahahahahahahahhaaha

  3. i can't see the pic on my work computer so i have no idea if i need to defend myself here...

  4. well this very pregnant friend thinks of this blog entry as cruel and unusual punishment...for i have wanted a krystal burger from day one and i am hitting day 275 without one amazingly greasy krystal cheese with ketchup only and an order of fabulous fries (my favorite french fry by the way). unfortunately i have had to settle for mcdonalds, burger king, and lots of tacos. it's just not the same and your picture makes me realize just how much i have missed the pure unhealthiness of krystal. my mouth is watering and i blame time i am in atlanta, you owe me a date to krystal.

  5. Haha- I did the same exact thing! I ate total crap my first trimester cause I could not stand the idea of smelling anything while it was being cooked- I think I even gained the most weight during that time...oops.

  6. hot, yellow foam... haunting me.

  7. I made Evan read your blog about Krystal since that is his favorite place to eat and his response was "I like that girl". Thanks for making us both laugh on a regular basis! Hope the morning sickness leaves you alone soon.

  8. my mother...the mother of all mothers always told me to eat whatever sounded good in those first few weeks. glad that krystal treated you right. sadly, we are without the square deliciousness out in west tejas. pete always makes us get one IN the atlanta airport as soon as we touch down.

  9. Krystal. is. amazing. My husband and I have Krystal vs. White Castle debates all the time and there is NO comparison...Krystal is SO MUCH BETTER. My mom taught me the delcious goodness of a cheese Krystal when I was about 4 (although I am SURE she consumed a LOT of it while I was in utero) and I love/hate her for it. You go girl...that baby needs some Krystal!

  10. There's nothing like a Krystal when the hankerin' comes on ya!! (It just comes a lot less these days!) Every time I break down and eat a pup or some chili cheese fries, I swear it will be the last!

    Hopefully they broke the back of the belly flops!
