

fun in the sun

we had a reeeeeeeally unexpectedly fun saturday. unexpected because i amazingly didn't punk out when it came time to wake up at 7:30 am on a saturday and drive for over an hour to get to our destination. jesse had signed up to play in this big dodgeball tournament on a team of some of his BFF's where the top prize was free chick-fil-a for a year. (now you understand why i was on board.)

when i think dodgeball i think, "hmm, never in my life have i played dodgeball outdoors so clearly i will wear jeans and don't need to shave my legs and also i will wear a cardigan in case the AC is up really high in the gym" wrong. outdoor tournament in tiny net cages of death and emasculation on the sunniest day in eternity. my deodorant was vaporized by my pits after about 30 seconds. but it was gorgeous and full of sites for judah to soak up...including me getting the snot scared out of me by 3 separate CFA cows over the course of the morning.

daddy and judah by a dodge pit of nerfie death

ok, this is just a bit much...take note of their hand placements. this was NOT posed. if lena and i ever die at an early age, don't be surprised if this is what ends up happening afterwards.

as the sun started creeping toward high noon, the last vestiges of my old spice were gone and the jeans were causing a wicked case of swampass, so me and lena decided to peace out a bit early. shockingly, our team had been doing really well. it was so shocking because most of the other teams had matching outfits and dodgeball type skills, and our guys were just athletic and present, but boy did they get it done. even still, we couldn't stay for the playoffs because judah was 3 hours past naptime and mommy was smelly and sunburned and hungry.

so we went and had lunch (judah was literally asleep before we got out of the dodgeball parking lot)and then hung out at lena's apartment where we were joined a few hours later by the boys who had made it all the way to the semi-finals (not bad considering there were like 30 teams in all). we decided to head down to the pool (after i borrowed a razor from lena, doy) to chlorinate the sweat away.
even though i had been to their apartment several times, i had never been to the pool. apparently they live in melrose place, atlanta sector. it was seriously hilarious. all these tan, skinny girls who have never experienced life with a mucus plug lined up along the pool's edge, ushering me down the walk of pasty, saggy, mommy shame. now, i am at the stage of pregnancy where i can suck in and look not at all pregnant or push out after a meal and look far more pregnant than i am. sooooooo, to explain myself i pushed out like it was nobody's business and lovingly stroked my pale gut as if it was actually more than 3% baby so they would all know i had an excuse (because a 10.5 month old is not an excuse these days). i also had lena say things involving "you're pregnant" at really loud volumes. plus anyway, the joy of growing my very own family more than makes up for any nostalgia for having "muscles" or "curves" or "attractiveness." MORE than makes up for. in fact, i could just feel jealous rays shooting out of those chicks' perky boobs, reflecting off their manicured fingernails and hitting me square in the saddlebags and ashy heels. suck it, bitches, i'm living the high life!
judah has the healthiest body image of anyone i know

precious chlorinated chumps

and we finished off a classique spring day with din at casa grande (formerly elliot's least favorite mexican restaurant EVER, thanks for sharing that after i had already gotten my heart set on it). judah enjoyed water and other baby foods i couldn't bring myself to look at while the rest of us ate approximately 1.7 baskets of chips each in a pre-meal gorge that defied explanation. i was like 3rd trimestie after the entrees. and dessert.

lena snapped this gem of a pic of judah across the table.
ok and this is what the little monster was doing all over the place before the games started that morning. does this count? he did a really long stretch before i got my camera out, but i am so ready to call this a milestone and be done with it. (also, check out lena's cleavage in the background, apparently she didn't know this would be an outdoor tournament either and thought it would be hosted in a brothel).


  1. cute cute cute :) you are presh k8! xoxo

  2. nostalgia of "attractiveness"... l like that

  3. Just wanted to say thanks for making me laugh, you're always entertaining and I think you have perfected sarcasm

  4. He's walking!!!! Yeah! I was wondering if he was going to do that over here last week, but wasn't sure he'd walked at home, so didn't want to encourage it without you guys here! We'll all have to be on guard now! Adorable...those blond curls in the swim picture sure look a lot like Jesse's did.

  5. So fun to see him taking steps! The grocery store treadmill training is paying off :-)

  6. so exciting to see those judah steps!
