

the bug you want to catch

for about a month we have been wavering on the edge of declaring this milestone reached. for months judah wasn't remotely interested in crawling or doing anything besides standing up and cruising on the furniture or being carried to and fro. but these past few weeks he has been taking two or three crawlie-steps in a row and then flopping down at his destination. but if we ever tried to pull the toy farther away to entice him to keep going, he just completely lost interest. so i was hesitant to declare him a crawler and had just assumed that he was a late bloomer. in fact i was reading that some kids don't crawl until after their first birthday and turn out just fine (unlike some of judah's athletic prodigy buddies who were crawling mavens at like 6 months!), so i was feeling less of that hideous mommy-milestone anxiety and just enjoying the fact that he couldn't be-bop around and get into things which would force me off my lazy butt to chase him all day.
well, of course, as soon as i am settled on him being a non-crawler, he decides to punk me out. so out of nowhere on wednesday he just up and motored all the way across the living room to me. it was hilarious and adorable and shocking. where did he learn this? how did he go from 2 steps to 15 with no transition? was he secretly training somewhere after hours?
he gets adorably out of breath because he slaps his lil' paws so hard as he goes. after he floored me with his new skills i tried to set it up to catch it on film. i put him in the middle of the boring toy-less floor and i sat about 12 feet away from him with a bunch of toy-bait. before i could even turn on the camera, he turned his back on me and crawled off in the complete other direction towards the cranium-busting ceramic tile floor.
he hasn't really figured out that he can use this new skill just to explore, and mostly only does it if he is specifically heading towards a certain toy, snack or deathtrap. it is so freaking weird to have this creature on the loose in our house. so we are now plugging our outlets, locking the cabinets and moving all things breakable and poisonous up higher...all the formerly charming decorative accoutrements in our house have now become menacing death traps. remind me again why i ever wanted him to be mobile?
here is another clip of me luring him in with cheerios. too bad the stupid little tigers in our house also love cheerios and kept trying to dive bomb in front of the camera to get them. i had several on-film scuffles with them here before judah crawled his way to the bounty. for some reason he kind of whiny-screams during his crawls as if he's like, "WHAT'S HAPPENING? WHY AM I MOVING? THIS IS FUN?"


  1. OMG, I want to squeeze his sweet little chubby legs!!! I love Judah... I want to meet him... someday (sigh)

  2. so so cute! eden didn't crawl until 10.5 months. charlotte at 7. every baby is different, like all those seasoned mothers always say.

  3. LOVE IT K8! Just caught up on the past few days and am now exhausted :) Ha ha! You are going to FREAK OUT when you see my post later tonight. Um... you can just say that our day involved scissors, hair and trimmers..... XOXO

  4. My meatloaf didn't taste like tacos...
