

just give me a reason

i am pretty much looking for an excuse to slack off. while i REALLY enjoy blogging once i start a post, getting up the motivation to start one some days simply eludes me. i guess you could say i have a hard time getting it up...the post of course. so i added a poll right over there ----> to see what you think.

see, i follow LOTS of blogs and sometimes the ones that post more than once a day (like 8-12 posts weekly)--while always rewarding when i check in and have a new post waiting to be read-- are hard to keep up with (but this could be simply because i'm so bloggily promiscuous). i never really feel all the way caught up since missing 2 or 3 days means having to read 6 posts the next time i stop by in order to avoid missing some. as a reader i think i like to be left wanting more just a bit. plus, this makes me explore the older posts of these bloggers while i wait for their newest one. but i also hate it when my favorite bloggers go MIA for days at a time and leave me feeling like an abandoned tamagotchi pet surrounded by my own "hershey's kisses" of boredom and despair.

yep, for real

while i HIGHLY doubt any of you go quite to such extremes over this place i would still like to hit the magic number ("seven, seven, SEVEN!" friends, anyone?) and avoid pissing anyone off. as such, i am throwing up a new poll to find out the ideal number of weekly posts for y'all to avoid overexposure yet stay connected. i didn't make " it you harpy!" a response because ha, ha you're already here so that's one at least. tell me what you think...i'm a pleaser!


  1. K8... don't overanalyze it or be hard on yourself! I look forward to your posts. Judah's always awesome. He just has an awesome face... I love his little man face. I like whatever you feel like putting up here, your pictures and comments and your life's magic/latest happenings... but don't force it. Relax, let it be what it is... and it's ok to wait for inspiration!

  2. You have to approve of my comments now?!?!?!

  3. i tried to post a poll last night. it was "do you think phil should be a guest blogger for a day?" he was a punk and deleted it from my blog about 20 minutes later. turd. then when he was begging me not to re-post it, he said, "i don't blog. you blog. i mean does jesse ever write on keight's blog?" to which i smiled and said "YESSSSS!!!!!!!" speaking of...i think it's time for the return of jesse. he lets you straighten his hair AND he blogs. amazing!

  4. I must confess I voted more than 5 (even though I rarely achieve 3 posts a week). Reading your blog is part of my daily routine now; I get home from work, check my email, and visit the realm of the blogosphere. I greedily hope that your other readers with vote with me...

  5. I vote 5 a week or more. doyy.

  6. 5!!! i love that you do one every weekday and i like that you take the weekends off. but seven would be nice too. i also LOVE that friends episode.
    ALSO i have been anxiously awaiting (for many months) for Jesse to finish the story of Judah's birth... so he needs to do a post!

  7. Yep, I would write some more, but K8 has put me on restriction until I finish the birth story. The second half is half way done, so keep your eyes peeled. Maybe if I finish K8 will give me the weekends.
