

$0 diversions

times are tough. the economy is in the dump and cliches abound. we are doing our best to keep giving, saving and living responsibly. finding entertainment that doesn't cost money or involve 3 hours of TV can be a challenge. here are some of our recent attempts to frugally wring a a few drops of magic out of the drudgery of weeknights during the middle of winter on zero cash with an infant along for the ride.

"is this safe?"

turn baby loose on high and unstable new pieces of furniture and photograph his progress. this is an adrenaline rush because you either end up proud of the baby for hanging on and standing up for so long or with a scuffed camera from flinging it down to snatch baby from his 9.8 newton-meter per second free fall descent towards the carpet. which will it be?!?!?!

my son is sitting on t-shirts i wore when i was 14: mindjob...little did i know
turn a boring thursday night dinner of salad, chicken breast and mashed potatoes into a candlelit family picnic du foyer. a quilt is a more acceptable alternative to a drop cloth for catching all the food that escapes our gaping pie holes as we shovel it in and yap at each other. notice judah reaching for the flame. at what age is it okay for me to let him grab it to learn his lesson? according to jesse, 7.5 months is too early. i was ready...this is basic survival skills, people; the sooner he learns, the better. i am a proponent of tough and blistered love.

"yeah...i'm in a band"
and my personal favorite: since his hair is reaching richard simmons' proportions and we can't find a haircut coupon or good deal right now we decided to at least get some entertainment out of the bushman situation while it's here so we straightened husbo's hair. i begged him to let me post this on here. he's such a good sport. even though it forces him spend more time on his hair (2 min) per day than i do (34 seconds), i DEFINITELY appreciate his abundant curls after this emo-tastic display of straight hair. he was super sleep-deprived at this moment too, i didn't put paleface makeup on him in case you were wondering. it adds to the overall look though.


  1. oh my gosh! i didn't even recognize jesse...that is AMAZING!!! he's such a trooper!

  2. i think i might have peed in my pants laughing at emo-gasmic haired jesse. the look on his face is perfect for the overall effect, too. i'll be madly scouring the web for a coupon or gift card to send you so that this NEVER happens again.

  3. He looks like Derek Zoolander! hahahaha

  4. I didn't recognize Jesse either...

    Drew learned the fire lesson on his first birthday. Ugh, talk about feeling like a horrible mother--I was distracted by the old people who insisted I re-light the candle for Alli to blow out--I had promised Alli that she could help Drew, but my dad didn't know it, so he made her get away from the candle. So, the old people started in on the redo, and I gave in to the pressure...he grabbed it when I was telling the great-grandma that she had to start the birthday song the second time...burned his little hand, but it was already covered in icing so there was no blister. If you look at his bday pics with the black icing, you'll see tears in his eyes...K
