

When Memorial Day and LABOR Day are the Same Day!

The day has come! 9 months of waiting and now the big event is here. Around 1:00am this morning K8 started to feel some regular contractions come on. These were of the one every 10-15 minute variety. Her water had broken earlier that day, but more on that later after we get the guy out. Anyway, contractions went on pretty regularly until about 3 when they picked up speed and went to minute long contractions every five minutes apart for the next hour. That was a trigger for us to pack it up and head to the hospital!

We got checked in around 5 and have been kicking it Piedmont style since then. Right now K8 is 5-6 centimeters dilated and 70% effaced, so we're probably looking at sometime this afternoon or evening. Keight is doing AMAZING! She has a great attitude and is relaxing and breathing her way through some pretty tough contractions. Keep us in your prayer please! We'll post some more as the day goes on.

K8 gets checked in and picks up some new bling
Should laboring women with no sleep look this good?
Baby's good, Mom's Good, Life's Good


  1. looking awesome you guys!! so glad to see a hep lock, smiling faces, and a cup of water!! getting teary-eyed! can't wait to meet him and call me if you need me!! hugs and prayers!

  2. WOW -- what a great MEMORIAL DAY-- we'll never for get this one! Can't wait to hold our little grandson. SO excited! K8--you look amazing!! We are praying and pulling for you!! We know you'll do great no matter what!

  3. Oh my goodness, what a BEAUTIFUL baby boy Judah is. Keight was amazing, and was still smiling and so sweet even after having the Vincents and the whole Dukes clan in to see their pride and joy (and all of this was after labor, delivery, tear repair and no sleep!!)

    Keight was an absolute champ in labor, and did what we all knew she would--pushed through! Both families are elated, and thanking the Lord for His great blessings in providing strength for Keight. protecting Judah, and helping Jesse be an outstanding coach. We are so proud of our kids and grandkids!!!
